Release notes ============= Latest versions +++++++++++++++ .. include:: packages.rst :start-after: include-packages `Upcoming release `_ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ `Released `_ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 28.5.1 - 05 Apr 2024 -------------------- - Relax ``exchangelib`` version requirements to allow ``5.1.0`` and above. 28.5.0 - 05 Apr 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: - Fix problem with email subfolder selection (:pr:`1182`). - Add keywords ``Delete message`` and ``Forward message`` (:pr:`1179`). 04 Apr 2024 ----------- - Package ``rpaframework-assistant`` **3.0.4** (:issue:`1178`): Replaces ``flet`` with ``robocorp-flet``. The ``flet`` package had some released versions removed from the PyPI package index (speficically versions we were depending on). This caused all new installations using ``rpaframework-assistant`` to fail. We have now replaced the dependency with ``robocorp-flet`` which is a fork of the original package. 03 Apr 2024 ----------- Security releases regarding dependency packages ``pillow``, ``cryptography`` and ``aiohttp``. - package ``rpaframework`` **28.4.2** - package ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.3.3** - package ``rpaframework-assistant`` **3.0.3** - package ``rpaframework-google`` **9.0.1** - package ``rpaframework-hubspot`` **1.0.1** - package ``rpaframework-openai`` **1.3.2** - package ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.3.2** - package ``rpaframework-recognition`` **5.2.4** - package ``rpaframework-windows`` **7.5.1** .. note:: The ``dialogs`` package has been deprecated since 07 Apr 2023 and will be removed from the repository during the next week as a maintenance chore. 28.4.1 - 19 Mar 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Application** (:issue:`1160`): Fix problem with ``Get Range`` using active worksheet. 28.4.0 - 14 Mar 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Word.Application** (:pr:`1159`): - Add keyword ``Select current paragraph`` for selecting the current paragraph. - Add keyword ``Select paragraphs`` for selecting previous/next paragraphs. - Add keyword ``Copy selection to clipboard`` for copying the selection to the clipboard. - Library **RPA.Excel.Application** (:pr:`1158`): - Add keyword ``Remove hidden columns and rows`` from given range. - Add keyword ``Merge range`` for merging cells in a range. - Add keyword ``Unmerge range`` for unmerging cells in a range. - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`1157`, ``rpaframework-google`` **9.0.0**): - Fix problem with method intellisense in Python development environments. - Add keyword ``Detect Tables`` for detecting table-like structures in spreadsheet's sheets. - Add keyword ``Get Sheet Formulas`` for getting formulas from a sheet. - Add keyword ``To A1 notation`` for converting column number to A1 notation. 28.3.0 - 22 Feb 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Application** (:pr:`1152`): Add keyword ``Write data to range`` for writing data to range(s) in a spreadsheet. This will be significantly faster than using ``Write to cells`` keyword for large data sets. - Library **RPA.Word.Application** (:pr:`1152`): - Add keywords starting with ``Move_`` for positioning cursor position in a document. - Add keyword ``Find text`` for finding text in a document. - Add keyword ``Paste from clipboard`` for pasting text from clipboard to a current cursor position. - Add keyword ``Get current line`` to get text from the current line. - Add keyword ``Get number of lines`` to get number of lines in a current document. - Refactor keyword ``Write text`` to take cursor positioning into consideration. 28.2.0 - 02 Feb 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Application** (:pr:`1149`): - Add new keyword ``Create Pivot Field`` for creating pivot fields for the pivot table. - Add new keyword ``Create Pivot Table`` for creating pivot tables in a spreadsheet. - Add new keyword ``Create Table`` for creating a table in a spreadsheet. - Add new keyword ``Find`` for finding a value in a range. - Add new keyword ``Get Pivot Tables`` for getting pivot tables in a spreadsheet. - Add new keyword ``Get Range`` for getting a range in a spreadsheet. - Add new keyword ``List Tables`` for listing tables in a spreadsheet. - For all **RPA.*.Application** libraries (:pr:`1149`): Add new utility keyword for Robot Framework syntax ``Set Object Property`` - Security dependency fix given the bump of ``cryptography`` package to version **42.0.2**. (:pr:`1149`) 17 Jan 2024 ----------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`1145`, ``rpaframework-google`` **8.2.0**): - All ``init_`` keywords will return initialized ``service`` instance. - Library level documentation refactoring. Authentication related examples are now in their own markdown file. 28.1.0 - 12 Jan 2024 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application** (:pr:`1144`): Add ``reply_to`` and ``check_names`` parameters for ``Send Email``. 28.0.0 - 18 Dec 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1139`): Keyword ``Open Available Browser`` won't anymore try to initialize webdrivers for browsers that are not installed in the system. - Library **RPA.Crypto** (:pr:`1140`): Fix `AES256` return types for keywords ``Generate Key`` and ``Decrypt String`` (from bytes to string). - Library **RPA.Hubspot** (:issue:`1106`): Extract the ``RPA.Hubspot`` library out of the main package and into its own package ``rpaframework-hubspot``. This is a breaking change, please update your ``conda.yaml`` accordingly. 27.7.0 - 21 Nov 2023 -------------------- - Update ``selenium`` package to the version **4.15.2**. - Library **RPA.Crypto** (:pr:`1128`): Add `AES256` encryption method support. - Library **RPA.Windows** (:pr:`1134`; ``rpaframework-windows`` **7.5.0**): Add keywords ``Enable Process Listing`` and ``Disable Process Listing`` to enable/disable the listing of processes in the ``List Windows`` keyword. 27.6.0 - 15 Nov 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Vault** (:pr:`1129`): Improve error message when trying to connect to Control Room Vault without valid connection details. - Library **RPA.SAP** (:pr:`1130`): Add keywords for pressing F1 or F4 on textfield and gridview elements. Thanks to `Enrico Franzelli `_ for the contribution! - Relax `importlib-metadata` version requirement to allow `4.13.0` and above. 27.5.3 - 10 Nov 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application** (:pr:`1127`): Fix how keyword ``Move Emails`` works. Read more from the pull request. 27.5.2 - 06 Nov 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage** (``robocorp-storage`` **1.0.2**): Fix keyword ``List Assets`` for listing and returning correctly all the assets available in the cloud. - Library **RPA.Assistant** (:pr:`1122`; ``rpaframework-assistant`` **3.0.2**): Show files selected with ``Add File Input`` to make it easier for users to know it has been used. Also shows a warning if the image path for ``Add Image`` is not valid or if the file does not exist. .. note:: This version is compatible with ``robocorp`` **1.2.1**. 27.5.1 - 01 Nov 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1123`; ``rpaframework-core`` **11.2.3**): Fix "There is no such driver by url" error with Chrome/Chromium versions above **114** attempting a `chromedriver` version resolution. - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Fix dirty items logging and documentation nits. 27.5.0 - 24 Oct 2023 -------------------- - Add `reply_to` parameter for ``Send Message`` keyword for **RPA.Email.Exchange** and **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** libraries. 27.4.2 - 13 Oct 2023 -------------------- - `Application` classes from **RPA.*.Application** libraries can be further inherited and extended without the need of adding a mandatory class-level docstring. - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** won't get easily affected anymore by any issue within the **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** library. - Keyword ``Email To Document`` raises appropriately when the input value is of an unexpected type. - Takes into use the latest ``robocorp-storage`` **1.0.1**, adding various fixes into the **RPA.Robocorp.Storage** library. 27.4.1 - 11 Oct 2023 -------------------- - Fix keyword ``Email To Document`` in library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** by restricting the ``python-docx`` package version to the maximum working one. .. warning:: This affected both this library and **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** due to a slipped sub-dependency breaking change. We strongly suggest to upgrade to the latest ``rpaframework`` in order to benefit from the fix, and if you're not ready for it yet, pin in your `conda.yaml` ``python-docx==0.8.11`` for the time being. 27.4.0 - 11 Oct 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** (:issue:`1060`; ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` **1.1.0**): - New library import parameter `max_depth` which limits the maximum level the search will go when selecting a window and building the element tree. With `disable_refresh` one can disable any implicit global refresh when this is set to `False`. - Add new keyword ``Refresh Element`` for explicitly refreshing elements. (useful when callbacks are disabled and new data appears in the app) - Enhance ``Read Table`` with `visible_only` parameter which controls what kind of children (inner cells of the table) to return. The number of columns is correctly detected and the table automatically refreshes when callbacks are disabled and the global refresh is enabled. - Bugfixes in the following keywords: ``Click Element``, ``Set Display Scale Factor``, ``Get Element Actions``. 27.3.1 - 10 Oct 2023 -------------------- - Casual dependencies upgrades and alignment. 06 Oct 2023 ----------- - Security update for ``rpaframework-recognition`` (:pr:`1105` **5.2.2**): Bumps ``opencv-python-headless`` to version ****. 27.3.0 - 29 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF** (:pr:`1102`; ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.3.0**): - Keywords ``HTML to PDF`` and ``Template HTML to PDF`` now support parameters `margin` and `working_dir`. Latter can be used to set directory for example image files referenced in the HTML content. - Keyword ``HTML to PDF`` can be given a single HTML string to create single page PDF or list of HTML strings to create multi-page PDF. 27 Sep 2023 ----------- - Security update for ``rpaframework`` (**27.2.1**) and ``rpaframework-recognition`` (**5.2.1**): Bumps ``pillow`` to version **10.0.1**. 27.2.0 - 26 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Add regular expression support for ``RPA.JavaAccessBridge`` library locators by updating ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` package to the version **1.0.0**. - Update ``selenium`` package to the version **4.13.0**. 27.1.0 - 15 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1091`; ``rpaframework-core`` **11.2.0**): - Display the used webdriver and browser versions in the logs. (:issue:`1078`) - Support profile usage with Edge in IE mode as well. (:issue:`1079`) - Warn when maximizing the browser in headless mode and offer help. (:issue:`1075`) - Reminder: You can disable webdriver-manager SSL checks during downloads by setting ``WDM_SSL_VERIFY=false`` in the environment. 14 Sep 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`1092`; ``rpaframework-google`` **8.1.0**): Add possibility to send HTML email by adding `html` parameter for ``Send Message`` keyword. 27.0.1 - 11 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage**: Internal fix for the updated asset API upload URL and ability to set the `RC_DISABLE_SSL` env var in order to disable SSL checks when operating on assets. 27.0.0 - 07 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Enables system certificate store usage with ``truststore`` automatic injection. Minimum versions for this to happen are Python **3.10.12** and ``pip`` **23.2.1**. (:issue:`1083`) - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1084`; ``rpaframework-core`` **11.1.0**): - Fixes webdriver caching when attempting previously downloaded executable reuse and latest release version retrieval optimization. - Use Robocorp controlled secure sources for querying and downloading webdrivers. Base URL to whitelist: -- set `RPA_EXTERNAL_WEBDRIVERS` to any value if you want to default to the previously used external sources (:issue:`1080`) - Ability to take into use a 64bit webdriver version for IE on a 64bit Windows system by setting `RPA_ALLOW_64BIT_IE` to any value. (by default the 32bit version is used as that's the recommendation provided by Selenium) 26.1.1 - 07 Sep 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** (:pr:`1087`): Fix problem with ``Select Window By Title`` keyword, which caused all but full title match to fail to select window successfully. 04 Sep 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`1082`; ``rpaframework-google`` **8.0.0**): - Add new keywords for Google Sheets - ``Copy spreadsheet`` - ``Create spreadsheet`` - ``Delete sheet`` - ``Generic spreadsheet batch update`` - ``Get all sheet values`` - ``Get spreadsheet basic information`` - ``Get spreadsheet details`` - ``Rename sheet`` - ``To column letter`` - Repurposed keywords - ``Copy sheet`` (now will copy a sheet within a spreadsheet) - ``Create sheet`` (now will create a sheet within a spreadsheet) .. warning:: **Breaking** changes in the ``Sheets`` keywords. All actions/properties related to a whole spreadsheet will use `spreadsheet` name and `sheet` will be used to indicate a single sheet in a spreadsheet. This is to be consistent with Google API naming. 24 Aug 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (``rpaframework-google`` **7.1.2**): - Fix how OAuth token is updated into Control Room Vault. - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`1057`; ``rpaframework-google`` **7.1.1**): - Fix mimetype handling in overall and for Excel documents in ``Send Message`` keyword. (:issue:`994`) - Improve token handling in authentication flow. 26.1.0 - 24 Aug 2023 -------------------- - General update on *all* packages (:pr:`950`): - All packages will be taking into use the latest `robotframework` version (**6.1.1**). - The minimum Python version is set to **3.8**. - All new package versions are listed below. - ``rpaframework-assistant`` **3.0.0** (additional release note included below) - ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.3.0** - ``rpaframework-google`` **7.1.0** - ``rpaframework-openai`` **1.3.0** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.2.0** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **5.2.0** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **7.4.0** - Library **RPA.Assistant** (:pr:`1068`; ``rpaframework-assistant`` **3.0.0**): - Fix ``Add Date Input`` validation and return value as `Date` object instead of a string. - Add Python examples for every keyword. 26.0.3 - 24 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: Properly show webdriver errors in case the initial default is not found in PATH. 26.0.2 - 24 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1069`): Use an already existing webdriver found in PATH if present. Only if such a default expected executable isn't found, a newly cached one will be downloaded and used. (affects all supported browsers) 26.0.1 - 22 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`1059`): Fix webdriver management and automation issues related to Edge in IE mode. Updated Portal example: 26.0.0 - 18 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1058`): - Fixed `options` passing with Firefox. (when a binary location is specified) - General improvements to **RPA.*.Application** libraries (:issue:`1055`): - *All*: Better error handling (COM -> runtime), improved generic docs and troubleshooting guiding, fixed document closing (if was closed already) and app open/quit management, improved warnings and logging, file paths are tested for existence when operating on documents and raise errors in their absence. - **Excel**: - Removed deprecated parameter `tabname` from ``Add New Sheet``. (use `sheetname`) - ``Save Excel As`` raises when there's no workbook open. (use ``Open Workbook`` first) - **Outlook**: - Removed deprecated keywords: ``Send Message`` (use ``Send Email``) and ``Wait For Message`` (use ``Wait For Email``). .. warning:: **Breaking** changes in the **Application** libraries listed above. 25.0.1 - 11 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.DocumentAI.Base64AI** (:issue:`719`): - Fix signature matching API. - Better documentation and errors. - Library **RPA.PDF** (:pr:`1051`; ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.6**): - Make the `reader` parameter optional in the ``Save PDF`` keyword. - Fix PDF fields retrieval, value decoding and setting. (:issue:`872`) 25.0.0 - 10 Aug 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Salesforce** (:pr:`1003`): Add keywords ``Auth with connected app`` and ``Execute APEX``. - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** (:pr:`1054`): Fix handling of `To`, `Cc` and `Bcc` fields in `Send Message` keyword. 24.1.2 - 27 Jul 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage** (``robocorp-storage`` **0.3.2**): Fix bug when retrieving assets containing spaces in their names. 24.1.1 - 26 Jul 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1035`; ``rpaframework-core`` **11.0.5**): Fix `chromedriver` download issues with Chrome **115** and over. 24.1.0 - 25 Jul 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`1021`; ``rpaframework-core`` **11.0.4**): - Correctly handles and downloads a valid existing webdriver version when there's a need for one. - Ability to provide a default browser binary location with the `RPA_SELENIUM_BINARY_LOCATION` environment variable. (useful when the webdriver isn't able to automatically detect and start your system browser) - Portal example taking these into use: - Library **RPA.Browser.Playwright**: Renders documentation for ``robotframework-browser==17.1.0``. 24.0.0 - 18 Jul 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage**: Takes into use ``robocorp-storage`` **0.3.1** and replaces the limited generic keywords with the ones below. (:pr:`1016`) - ``Set Bytes Asset`` & ``Get Bytes Asset`` - ``Set Text Asset`` & ``Get Text Asset`` - ``Set JSON Asset`` & ``Get JSON Asset`` - ``Set File Asset`` & ``Get File Asset`` .. warning:: **Breaking** changes: Old ``Set Asset`` & ``Get Asset`` keywords are gone, please replace them with one of the pairs above. 23.5.2 - 29 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage**: Add support for using Assets in VSCode 23.5.1 - 28 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Update and pin ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` to version ``0.14.1`` 23.5.0 - 27 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Update ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` to version ``0.13.0`` - Add keyword ``Print Locator Tree`` 23.4.0 - 22 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Add new library **RPA.Robocorp.Storage** for managing assets within *Asset Storage* in Control Room. (:issue:`957`) 09 Jun 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** 2.3.0: - Add new elements with ``Add Loading Spinner`` and ``Add Loading Bar``. 23.3.0 - 09 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.MSGraph** (:pr:`980`): - Lock ``O365`` dependency to a version less than ``2.0.27`` for compatibility with Python 3.7. - Security update: Bumps ``cryptography`` to version ``41.0.1``. (:issue:`979`) - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Update ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` to version ``0.12.0`` 23.2.1 - 02 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** (:pr:`978`): - Fix element search issue with ``Click Element`` keyword - Add new keyword ``Wait Until Element Exists`` 23.2.0 - 02 Jun 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.*** (:pr:`974`): - **Selenium**: - Fix bug with detecting the right web-driver version for download on systems having Chromium installed instead of Chrome. (:issue:`949`) - Add support for operating on shadow DOMs within the ``Get WebElement`` keyword. (:issue:`941`) - **Playwright**: - Upgrade version and documentation to the latest `robotframework-browser` **16.2.0**. (:issue:`942`) - Automatic `headless` detection when running on systems without UI, including our Cloud Worker (Linux container). (:issue:`166`) 01 Jun 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.OpenAI** 1.2.0 (:pr:`973`): - Add support for AzureAI and update ``openai`` to ``0.27.7``. 23.1.0 - 19 May 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`943`): - New keyword ``Click Element When Clickable`` which tries to overcome errors like "Other element would receive the click". (:issue:`884`) - New keyword ``Set Element Attribute`` which sets an attribute value to an element retrievable with ``Get Element Attribute``. (:issue:`762`) - Setting a custom download directory is now supported by all Chromium-based browsers and Firefox. Use ``Set Download Directory`` before opening any browser instance in order to set such a custom path. (this should be working now in both headful and headless modes; :issue:`882`) - Custom user profiles (and common configuration) can be used with all Chromium-based browsers, like Chrome, Edge. (:issue:`865`) - Improved main library documentation, accepting both `WebElement` and `str` as locator types under our keywords as well. (:issue:`940`, :issue:`939`) 12 May 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** 2.2.2: - Documentation example fix, correct name of argument to ``maximum_rows``. 23.0.0 - 05 May 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database** (:pr:`944`): - Improvements for keyword ``Call Stored Procedure`` - Fix keyword not returning results of the procedure - Add possibility of returning result as a ``RPA.Tables.Table`` by parameter ``as_table=True`` (default is `True`, ie. `Table` is returned) - Add possibility of returning multiple resultsets from a ``Call Stored Procedure`` by parameter ``multiple=True`` (default is `False`, ie. only one resultset is returned) Multiple results are then either list of lists or list of Tables. - Remove specific support for Python 2.* in this keyword - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:pr:`948`): - Add new keyword ``Send Reply Message`` - Add parameter `items_only` for keyword ``List Messages`` which returns internal Email objects (mainly for advanced usage) - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add keyword ``Convert EML file into message`` which reads EML message and returns headers, attachments and body (in text and HTML) format. (:pr:`948`) - Add parameters `in_reply_to` and `return_path` to keyword ``Send Message``. (:pr:`948`) - Make the `recipients` optional. It is still mandatory to give one of the following parameters `recipients`, `cc` or `bcc`. (:pr:`930`) - Library **RPA.FTP** (:pr:`938`): Add socket support for TLS connections. - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** (:pr:`947`): - Add new keyword ``List Java Windows`` - Add new keyword ``Select Window By PID`` - Add new keyword ``Select Window By Title`` - Keyword ``Select Window`` is deprecated in favor of the 2 ``Select..`` keywords mentioned above. Direct replacement for this keyword is ``Select Window By Title``. This keyword will be removed during next major release involving ``RPA.JavaAccessBridge`` library. - Update library documentation to contain information about `autoexit` init parameter - **RPA.Excel.Application** - **RPA.Outlook.Application** - Library **RPA.Word.Application** (:pr:`945`): Add `autoexit` init parameter (on default `True` as it is for similar libraries). This is a breaking change. 04 May 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (``rpaframework-google`` **7.0.3**; :pr:`935`): Fix move drive file 22.5.3 - 02 May 2023 -------------------- - Security update: Bumps ``cryptography`` to version **40**. (fixes the limitation of not being able to use the latest ``rpaframework-pdf`` in some scenarios; :issue:`926`) 22.5.2 - 13 Apr 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`916`): - Takes into use the latest Selenium (**4.8.3** at the time of the release) and its logging fixes. (:issue:`883`) - Fixes scheme ensuring bug during not provided URLs. (:issue:`586`) - Fixes `headless` mode setting with newer browsers and enables more browser features when running in this mode. (:issue:`919`) - Ensures keyword ``Screenshot`` works and logs messages as expected. (logs aren't polluted with raw image data on levels equal or greater than `INFO` and it returns the final output image path; :issue:`920`) - Takes into use the latest webdriver-manager fixes given ``rpaframework-core`` **11.0.1**. 22.5.1 - 07 Apr 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.3.2**; :issue:`913`): - Keywords ``[Double|Right|Middle ]Click`` will raise `ActionNotPossible` if the element is not visible during clicking. (thus clicking wouldn't happen at all) - Main library and various keywords documentation fixes. - Library **RPA.PDF** (``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.5**) (:pr:`914`): Fix "TypeError: cannot pickle 'dict_keys' object" bug with the ``HTML To PDF`` keyword. .. note:: This ``rpaframework`` version requires at least the following library versions (if you have such dependencies already listed in your *conda.yaml*), although we recommend upgrading to the latest found in `PyPI `_: - ``rpaframework-assistant`` **2.2.1** - ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.2.8** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **4.0.4** (deprecated) - ``rpaframework-google`` **7.0.2** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.4** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **5.1.2** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **7.3.0** 22.5.0 - 05 Apr 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.3.0**; :pr:`912`): - Our Windows elements recorder (`windows-recorder`) supports `path:` strategy display when run with verbosity on. (``-v`` flag) - Keyword ``Print Tree`` now displays the `path:` strategy locator alongside printed controls and flattened-by-level returned elements. - Keyword ``Set Value`` supports value validation customization through the `validator` parameter. 04 Apr 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** 2.2.0: - Add ``minimum_rows`` and ``maximum_rows`` arguments to ``Add Text Input``. - Add ability to specify validation functions as Robot Framework keywords. - Improve how validation errors are displayed. They display besides the input field now, instead of bottom of the dialog. - Fix checkbox values being returned as strings ``true`` and ``false`` instead of booleans. 22.4.0 - 29 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** - Make method ``require_open_xlsx_workbook`` that was accidentally exposed a private method. - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** (:pr:`908`): - Fixes related to keyword ``Select Window`` - Update to the latest ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` 0.9.7 - Add additional system window verification before using ``jab.switch_window_by_title`` - Library **RPA.Database** (:pr:`899`): - Add support for parameterized sql queries - Library **RPA.PDF** (``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.3**) (:pr:`909`): Add documentation about PDF merge and split. 22.3.0 - 22 Mar 2023 -------------------- - New library **RPA.Smartsheet** (:pr:`880`): - Supports getting, creating and updating Smartsheet sheets, as well as downloading attachments. - Read library documentation for a full list of keywords. 22.2.3 - 15 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF** (``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.2**): Light documentation fix and preserved default behaviour with the `boxes_flow` parameter in the ``Set Convert Settings`` keyword. (defaults to `0.5`) 14 Mar 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** 2.1.2: - Fix file picker sometimes causing ``AssertionError: Control must be added to the page first.`` error. - Fix ``Add Next Ui Button`` getting a normal `dict` and not a `dotdict` as its first argument. 22.2.2 - 13 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`859`): - Fixes ``Set Download Directory`` keyword: functionality, docs, examples. - Improves Browser Locators functionality. (referenced by `alias:`) 22.2.1 - 09 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Calendar**: Documentation fixes in various keywords. 22.2.0 - 09 Mar 2023 -------------------- - New library **RPA.Calendar** (:pr:`694`): - Supports holiday and business day related calculations. - Read library documentation for a full list of keywords. - Library **RPA.Database**: - Changes how `psycopg2` module handles the ``Call Stored Procedure`` keyword. - Sets on the `autocommit` parameter use with ``Connect To Database`` keyword when using `psycopg2` module. - Removes **INFO** level logs from ``Connect To Database`` keyword. (privacy) - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application** (:pr:`878`): - Adds possibility to set **CC** and **BCC** recipients with ``Send Email`` and ``Send Message`` keywords. 08 Mar 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** (``rpaframework-assistant`` **2.1.0**): - Features: - Add ``Set Title`` keyword. Can be used to set title of assistant when it is running. - Add ``Open Row`` and ``Close Row`` keywords. Used to layout elements into rows. - Add ``Open Column`` and ``Close Column`` keywords. Used to layout elements into columns. - Add ``Open Navbar`` and ``Close Navbar`` keywords. Can be used to create an always visible top bar for a dialog. - Add ``Open Stack`` and ``Close Stack`` keywords. Can be used to position elements manually. - Add ``Open Container`` and ``Close Container`` keywords. Useful for styling or placing single elements. - Add ``Add Flet Icon`` that enables adding any icons from flets large gallery of icons. - Compared to ``Add Icon``, it is more difficult to use but supports a much larger amount of icons. - Bugfixes: - Fix regression, Assistant flet app not closing properly when run from CLI and when the close button is pressed. - The library no longer silently misses adding to the result when an input ``name`` duplicate name is used, instead it raises a `ValueError`. 22.1.1 - 06 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.2.1**; :pr:`869`): Documentation fixes in keywords: ``Set Value``, ``Print Tree``, ``Set Mouse Movement``. 22.1.0 - 06 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.2.0**; :pr:`855`): - Enhances keyword ``Set Value`` with additional checks and a `send_keys_fallback` parameter as an alternate way of setting in the provided value. (if the main one fails; :issue:`483`) - Improves keyword ``Print Tree`` with clearer printed depths and children positions in the element tree. The returned element structure now encapsulates a usable path based locator in every element. (:issue:`796`) - Adds new keyword: ``Set Mouse Movement`` which enables/disables mouse movement simulation when interacting with elements. (e.g. clicking combo-boxes; :issue:`791`) - Miscellaneous: better recording instructions, documentation updates, bugfixes. (:issue:`591`, :issue:`797`) 22.0.1 - 03 Mar 2023 -------------------- - Added PyYAML 6.0 support, rpaframework can now install together with tools like `langchain`. 02 Mar 2023 ----------- **RPA.OpenAI** (``rpaframework-openai`` **1.1.1**): - Fix keyword ``Chat Completion Create`` not working as documented. **RPA.OpenAI** (``rpaframework-openai`` **1.1.0**; :pr:`867`): - New keyword ``Chat Completion Create`` can be used to build up discussion with ChatGPT. **RPA.Assistant** (``rpaframework-assistant`` **2.0.0**): - Added `location` argument to ``Add Button`` keyword. - Added `round` argument to ``Add Slider`` keyword. - Internal refactoring. - Update underlying UI library to ``flet`` **0.2.2** -> **0.4.2**, granting various bugfixes and improvements. - Depend on ``rpaframework-core`` **10.4.1** due to Flet dependency incompatibilities with earlier versions. .. warning:: **Breaking** changes: - ``Run Dialog`` and ``Ask User`` parameter `clear` was removed, clearing is now mandatory. - (affects Python side users only): Location enum that ``run_dialog`` and ``ask_user`` accepts was changed from `Location` to `WindowLocation` to improve clarity. - By default `Slider` now rounds to 1 decimal. 28 Feb 2023 ----------- Library **RPA.PDF** (``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.1.0**): - Add possibility to change `boxes_flow` setting of PDF conversion with the ``Set Convert Settings`` keyword. The `boxes_flow` defines how text boxes within the PDF page are ordered. Read more about this in the keyword documentation. 22 Feb 2023 ----------- **RPA.Assistant** (``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.2.4**): - Reduce unnecessary debug logging from Flet that didn't obey the log level. 21 Feb 2023 ----------- **RPA.Assistant** (``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.2.3**): - Fix `results.key` access not working as documented. 22.0.0 - 20 Feb 2023 -------------------- .. warning:: **Breaking** change release. - The ``rpaframework-dialogs`` package is no longer part of the ``rpaframework`` package. Reason for this change is the deprecation of the **RPA.Dialogs** library as we are recommending the **RPA.Assistant** library for building attended Robots. This means that **RPA.Dialogs** library can be still used, but it needs to be separately added into the **pip** section of the *conda.yaml* file (``rpaframework-dialogs==4.0.2``). The **RPA.Assistant** library also requires separate package installation of ``rpaframework-assistant==1.2.1``. We see that unattended robots are a majority of the process run cases and thus it makes sense to move libraries meant for the attended robots into separate packages. Added benefit is that will reduce the package size for the ``rpaframework`` package. Please read `the migration guide `_ on how to move from **RPA.Dialogs** to **RPA.Assistant**. Other changes included in the release: - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.1.0**; :pr:`840`): - Add support for the `path:` strategy in locators. (index-based element tree search) - Enhance ``Print Tree`` keyword with better element tree logging and the ability to return such structure. - Library **RPA.Tables** (:issue:`821`): Allow custom dialects in csv files. - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Process** (:issue:`845`): Host of the Process API should use the host from an environment variable (`RC_API_PROCESS_HOST`) if that is available. - Script **use-robocorp-vault** maximum token validity time has been lowered to 20 hours. 20 Feb 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant**: - **1.2.2** - Fix package on Python 3.7. - **1.2.1** - Fix ``Add Slider`` `default` parameter misbehave if no user input was done on it. 17 Feb 2023 ----------- - Library **RPA.Assistant** (``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.2.0**): - Add `default` argument to ``Add Slider`` keyword to set a default for the slider. - Library **RPA.Assistant** (:issue:`838`, :issue:`828`; ``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.1.0**): - Bugfixes for dialog clearing. - New ``Add Slider`` keyword to create sliders for numeric inputs. - New `default` and `required` arguments for ``Add Text Input``. - Removing `None` values from the results so it makes value checking easier. 21.1.1 - 15 Feb 2023 -------------------- - Security upgrade of ``cryptography`` dependency to **39.0.1**. (:pr:`833`) 21.1.0 - 09 Feb 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.DocumentAI.Base64AI** (:issue:`803`): Support for signature matching on image documents with the following newly added keywords: - ``Get Matching Signatures``: Detects and returns signatures and their similarity. - ``Filter Matching Signatures``: Keeps relevant and alike signatures only. - ``Get Signature Image``: Saves signature's image for manual inspection. Portal example: - Global fix with retrieving the output directory path. 08 Feb 2023 ----------- - **OpenAI** (:pr:`792`) comes to **RPA Framework**! New library **RPA.OpenAI** adds four keywords covering GPT-3 text completions and DALL.E image creation. - ``Authorize To Openai:`` Authorize with OpenAI using your API key. - ``Completion Create``: Keyword for creating text completions in GPT-3 API using your prompt and various arguments. - ``Image Create``: Create one or more images based on a text prompt. - ``Image Create Variation``: Creating one or more variations of an existing image. .. note:: **RPA.OpenAI** is not included in the core ``rpaframework`` package, so please add ``rpaframework-openai==1.0.1`` as a **pip** dependency in your **conda.yaml**. - ``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.0.0** - New **RPA.Assistant** library! Provides better development experience for various use cases where previously **RPA.Dialogs** would have been used. - **RPA.Dialogs** users: `the new Migration Guide `_ - Does not use webview. Should improve compatibility and reduce broken installs. - Added mechanism to make buttons execute Python functions or Robot keywords. Enables building of code executing interactive assistants. - New ``Ask User`` keyword for building simple dialogs with less boilerplate. - ``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.0.1** - macOS force stop bugfix - ``rpaframework-assistant`` **1.0.2**, **1.0.3**, **1.0.4** - documentation building fixes and documentation updates 21.0.1 - 03 Feb 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **7.0.3**): Fix Windows element(s) retrieval. (and dependent keywords) 21.0.0 - 01 Feb 2023 -------------------- .. warning:: Multiple **breaking** changes below! - Library **RPA.Cloud.Azure** (:issue:`635`): - `robocloud_vault_name` -> `robocorp_vault_name` - `use_robocloud_vault` -> `use_robocorp_vault` - ``Set Robocloud Vault`` -> ``Set Robocorp Vault`` - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`794`; ``rpaframework-google`` **7.0.0**): - ``RPA.Robocloud.Secrets`` -> ``RPA.Robocorp.Vault`` - Library **RPA.PDF** (:issue:`785`; ``rpaframework-pdf`` **7.0.1**): - Keyword ``Find Text``: - Supports additional parameter `ignore_case`, which if set to `True`, will make the search case insensitive. (switch it **on** if you experience a different behaviour) - Adds `subtext:` strategy in the passed `locator` which checks for a substring instead of the whole text to match. - New related Portal example for parsing PDF invoices: 20.1.2 - 26 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`787`): Improved browser order resolution given the set env var and running OS. 20.1.1 - 26 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`781`): Ability to change the default search order of browsers, when using the ``Open Available Browser`` keyword, through the `RPA_SELENIUM_BROWSER_ORDER` env var. 20.1.0 - 19 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`745`): Ability to run Edge in IE compatibility mode. (robot example: - Library **RPA.SAP**: Fix error in dependency import order in the underlying `SapGuiLibrary`. 20.0.2 - 10 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Security dependency fix given the bump of ``cryptography`` package to version **38**. (:pr:`773`) 20.0.1 - 10 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Fix docs given the dropped support for extras under library dependencies. (:pr:`772`) 20.0.0 - 09 Jan 2023 -------------------- - Global package & sub-library updates adding security and documentation fixes. (:pr:`767`) - Other affected sub-libraries: - ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.2.5** (no API change, just dev & docs 3rd-party package upgrades) - ``rpaframework-google`` **6.1.5** (no API change, just dev & docs 3rd-party package upgrades) - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **6.0.1** (no API change, but behaviour may be different) - ``rpaframework-windows`` **7.0.2** (no API change, but locators recording may act differently) .. warning:: This is a **breaking** change! - We don't support *optional* packages anymore. Migrate your *conda.yaml* if needed: - ``rpaframework[aws]`` -> ``rpaframework-aws==5.2.4`` - ``rpaframework[cv]`` -> ``rpaframework-recognition==5.0.1`` - ``rpaframework[playwright]`` -> ``robotframework-browser==14.4.1`` - And of course, don't forget about ``rpaframework==20.0.0``. - **RPA.Desktop** keywords related to mouse and keyboard may behave differently due to their ``pynput`` dependency recent upgrade. - Extra dependencies are pinned to the following minimum versions: - ``requests = "^2.28.1"`` - ``oauthlib = "^3.2.2"`` - ``requests-oauthlib = "^1.3.1"`` - Misleading keyword ``On Token Refresh`` was removed from the **RPA.Email.Exchange** library. (wasn't meant to be a keyword at all) 19.4.2 - 21 Dec 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Hubspot** (:issue:`740`): Deprecate keyword ``Auth With API Key`` in favor to ``Auth With Token``. (read how to generate one with `Private Apps `_) 19.4.1 - 09 Dec 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:issue:`736`): Fix token auto-refresh for single-tenant Client apps. 19.4.0 - 08 Dec 2022 -------------------- - Added native OAuth2 support (:pr:`706`) with the following keywords: - ``Generate OAuth URL`` - ``Get OAuth Token`` - ``Refresh OAuth Token`` Available in libraries: - **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:issue:`604`) - **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** (additional keyword ``Generate OAuth String``) - **RPA.MFA** (:issue:`658`) Check the updated OAuth2 E-mail sending Portal example on: 19.3.1 - 29 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`710`): Fix bug with `auto_close=${False}` param when importing the library, which still had the browser closed at the end of the session. (now it's left open if such parameter is set to `False`) 19.3.0 - 28 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Slack** (:issue:`711`): New keyword ``Slack Raw Message`` adds support for ``blocks`` message property by allowing user to set message dictionary. - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`712`): Add new keywords for the library. List of new `RPA.Excel.Files` keywords: - Set Cell Formula - Copy Cell Values - Delete Columns - Delete Rows - Insert Rows Before - Insert Rows After - Insert Columns After - Insert Columns Before - Move Range - Clear Cell Range - Set Styles - Auto Size Columns - Hide Columns - Show Columns - Set Cell Values 19.2.0 - 17 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (:pr:`693`): - Keyword ``Get Elements`` supports now parameter `siblings_only` which filters for elements found on the same level with the first match. This is ON by default; set it to `False` for a global search, which retrieves all the found elements matching the criteria instead. - Keyword ``Get Value`` returns `None` when there's no value to retrieve at all. - Fix sibling element searching in keyword ``Get Elements`` when there's no comparison strategy identified. 19.1.2 - 17 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:pr:`692`): Allow `email` input Work Item variable in the absence of the Control Room controlled one during e-mail triggering. 19.1.1 - 04 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Outlook.RPA** (:pr:`687`): Fix ``pywintypesXX.dll`` errors. 19.1.0 - 03 Nov 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS** (:issue:`683`): Fix S3 ``List Files`` empty list response. Released in ``rpaframework-aws`` version ``5.2.1``. - Library **RPA.HTTP** (:pr:`685`): Add keyword ``Check Vulnerabilities`` which will now just check for ``OpenSSL`` vulnerable versions. Related article: 19.0.0 - 27 Oct 2022 -------------------- - New Intelligent Document Processing library **RPA.DocumentAI**, which is a convenient wrapper over the existing libraries (:issue:`557`): - **RPA.Cloud.Google** (needs ``rpaframework-google`` installed) - **RPA.DocumentAI.Base64AI** (moved from ``RPA.Base64AI``) - **RPA.DocumentAI.Nanonets** (moved from ``RPA.Nanonets``) Provides the following generic keywords capable of working with all the engines above: - ``Init Engine`` - ``Switch Engine`` - ``Predict`` - ``Get Result`` Portal example: .. warning:: This is a **breaking** change! Two `DocumentAI` related libraries have moved, thus the importing location is changed now: - ``RPA.Base64AI`` -> ``RPA.DocumentAI.Base64AI`` - ``RPA.Nanonets`` -> ``RPA.DocumentAI.Nanonets`` 18.0.0 - 17 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.MSGraph** (:issue:`669`): Fix bugs in listing SharePoint files and in keywords not supporting Drive objects. Replace parameter ``drive_id`` with ``drive`` throughout library, this is a **breaking** change for this library. 17.7.0 - 14 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application** (:pr:`666`): Add parameter ``save_as_draft`` parameter to ``Send Message`` / ``Send Email`` keywords. Will save the email instead of sending. - Library **RPA.Database** (:pr:`667`): Add SSL support for MySQL modules (``pymysql`` and ``mysql.connector``). - Library **RPA.SAP** (:pr:`656`): Add new keywords. 17.6.0 - 12 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`661`): Downloads correctly Mac arm64 web drivers. (due to ``rpaframework-core`` **10.0.1**) - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS** (:pr:`663`): Add more options for ``List Files`` keyword. 17.5.1 - 11 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`660`): Ensure `use_profile` parameter is working as expected when set true. Affecting the ``Open Available Browser`` and ``Open Chrome Browser`` keywords. 17.5.0 - 07 Oct 2022 -------------------- - New library **RPA.MSGraph** (:issue:`176`, :pr:`653`): This library wraps the `O365 package`_, giving robots the ability to access the Microsoft Graph API programmatically. .. _O365 package: 17.4.0 - 06 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:pr:`655`): Fix behaviour when releasing FAILED items with empty string `code` or `message`. - Library **RPA.Salesforce** (:issue:`570`): Added two new keywords: ``Set Domain`` and ``Get Domain``. Enhanced documentation around the different ways to set a domain. 17.3.0 - 03 Oct 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database** (:pr:`649`): Add support for new `Psycopg 3 `_ PostgreSQL database adapter 17.2.0 - 30 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS** (:pr:`648`): - Add new keyword ``Generate Presigned URL`` for S3 - Released in ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.1.0** - Library **RPA.Windows** (:pr:`647`): - Add new keywords ``Drag and Drop`` and ``Set Focus`` - Released in ``rpaframework-windows`` **6.1.0** 17.1.1 - 29 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:pr:`643`): Fix `access_type` parameter usage in keyword ``Authorize`` with "delegate" & "impersonation" accepted values. 17.1.0 - 28 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:issue:`641`): Add support for OAuth2 auto token refresh in Vault with `vault_name` and `vault_token_key` parameters during library import. 17.0.1 - 21 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS** (:pr:`637`): - All references to `Robocloud.Vault` changed to `Robocorp.Vault` (parameters and documentation). This is **breaking** for this library, which leads to **major** version bump also for ``rpaframework``, because this library can be also installed with ``rpaframework[aws]`` instead of ``rpaframework-aws``. - Add possibility to pass extra parameters for some S3 keywords, for example. metadata and content type. - Released in ``rpaframework-aws`` **5.0.0** - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`638`): Add support for opening .xlsx files in ``read_only`` mode - New library **RPA.Base64AI** (:pr:`639`): Supports `Base64 AI `_ IDP service - New library **RPA.Nanonets** (:pr:`639`): Supports `Nanonets `_ IDP service - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google** (:pr:`619`): - Add support for `Document AI `_ IDP service - Released in ``rpaframework-google`` **6.1.1** 16.3.0 - 07 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`618`): Simplified dict-like `options` passing to keywords ``Open Available Browser`` and ``Open Browser``. 16.2.0 - 07 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** (:pr:`622`): Add parameter `attachment_position` for keyword ``Send Message`` 16.1.0 - 01 Sep 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`615`): Keyword ``Open Available Browser`` supports passing a custom `port` to open the browser on. - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **6.0.1**, :issue:`609`): Fix clicking sibling elements retrieved with keyword ``Get Elements``. (previous bug with `robocorp_click_offset`) 16.0.0 - 31 Aug 2022 -------------------- - New library **RPA.MFA** (:pr:`610`) adds support for one time passwords (OTP). Currently supports `time` and `counter` based use cases. - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Process** (:pr:`611`): New keywords ``List Process Run Artifacts`` and ``Get Robot Run Artifact``. - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`494`): - Upgraded to Selenium 4. (:pr:`602`) - Using the new `webdriver-manager `_ for an improved download and cache of the driver. (:issue:`607`) - Keyword ``Open Available Browser`` supports ``options`` parameter allowing to customize the browser run. (desired capabilities got deprecated; :issue:`385`) .. warning:: This is a **breaking** change! The library works with the following major version upgrades given any dependent package: - ``rpaframework-aws`` **4.0.0** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **4.0.0** - ``rpaframework-google`` **6.0.0** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **5.0.0** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **5.0.0** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **6.0.0** 15.9.0 - 22 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database**: Add support for new Oracle connector `oracledb `_ 15.8.1 - 19 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: Include ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` dependency **0.9.5** fixing memory leak issue - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **4.0.2**: Fix issue with dependency ``opencv-python-headless`` 15.8.0 - 12 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`599`): Add parameter `formatting_as_empty` for keyword ``Append Rows To Worksheet``, which allows appending rows to sheet with formatted cells. - Library **RPA.Notifier** (:pr:`603`): Fix how keyword parameters are forwarded 15.7.0 - 10 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Security dependency update (``lxml`` **4.9.1**) within the following packages: - ``rpaframework-aws`` **3.1.2** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **3.0.1** - ``rpaframework-google`` **5.0.2** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **4.0.1** (``rpaframework[cv]``) - Library **RPA.Tables** (:pr:`495`): - New keywords: ``Filter Table With Keyword``, ``Map Column Values``. (:issue:`226`) - Improved documentation. (:issue:`220`) - Improved `str`/`int` row index resolving. - Library **RPA.FileSystem** (:pr:`597`): New ``Get File Stem`` keyword retrieving only the name of a file (without its extension) from the given `path`. 15.6.1 - 09 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Salesforce** (:issue:`583`): Keyword ``Salesforce Query Result As Table`` bugfix on empty results. - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:issue:`593`): Keyword ``Print To PDF`` provides better error message when trying to print in non-headless mode (which doesn't work by design; same with full page screenshots). 15.6.0 - 02 Aug 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Desktop** (:pr:`592`): Ability to customize the locators path using the ``locators_path`` parameter during library import. - Ability to customize the locators file path through the ``RPA_LOCATORS_DATABASE`` environment variable. (:issue:`370`) - Library **RPA.PDF** (:issue:`558`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **4.1.0**): Fix ``pages`` selection rationale when operating with PDFs. (bugs & documentation) 15.5.0 - 22 Jul 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (:issue:`587`): Fix offset-based clicking. (coordinates relative to the center of the element with ``offset:x,y`` locator property) - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:issue:`538`): Automatically release the current input Work Item as ``FAILED`` `Application` when the robot fails unexpectedly. 15.4.0 - 13 Jul 2022 -------------------- - Adds ``overwrite`` parameter (default `False`) for controlling how attachment download happens with the following keywords (:issue:`584`): - **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - ``Save Attachment`` - ``Save Attachments`` - **RPA.Email.Exchange**: ``Save Attachments`` - **RPA.Outlook.Application**: ``Save Email Attachments`` 15.3.0 - 08 Jul 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Application**: Fixes bug with keyword ``Run Macro`` on Excel file names containing spaces or other problematic symbols. (:issue:`479`) - Library **RPA.Excel.Files**: - Keyword ``Create Workbook`` supports now ``sheet_name`` parameter which sets a custom name for the newly created active sheet. (:issue:`224`) - Fixes a problem with Microsoft validation by stripping leading/trailing whitespace from the workbook properties. (:issue:`572`) 15.2.0 - 05 Jul 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:issue:`567`): Keyword ``Authorize`` supports OAuth2 Authorization Code flow. (enable it with ``is_oauth=${True}``; Portal `example `_) - Library **RPA.FileSystem** (:pr:`568`): Add keyword examples and type hints. 15.1.4 - 23 Jun 2022 -------------------- - Fix *VSCode* keyword definitions in all packages (:issue:`560`). (*libspec* Python modules paths) - ``rpaframework-aws`` **3.1.1** - ``rpaframework-google`` **5.0.1** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **4.0.2** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **5.0.1** - Library **RPA.Desktop**: Fix docs examples returning ``Region`` elements. 15.1.3 - 22 Jun 2022 -------------------- - Fix *VSCode* keyword definitions. (*libspec* Python modules paths) 15.1.2 - 21 Jun 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF** (:pr:`549`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **4.0.1**): Extended PDF examples. - Library **RPA.Tables** (:pr:`492`): Keyword examples updated to be more complete. - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`493`): Doc strings and typehints updated. 15.1.1 - 17 Jun 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JSON** (:issue:`548`): Fix *libspec* infinite recursion on ``JSONType`` type. - Deprecate *Lab* references under documentation. 15.1.0 - 15 Jun 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS** (:pr:`508`, ``rpaframework-aws`` **3.1.0**): - New service client support for Amazon Redshift's Data API (:issue:`496`). Keyword support for submitting SQL queries and obtaining results from them (can be performed asynchronously, if desired). - New service client support for Amazon STS and the `Assume Role` operation (:issue:`498`). The `Assume role` keyword returns temporary credentials which include a session token. All services updated to support using the session token as part of their `Init ... client` keyword. - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:pr:`536`): Expand examples for ``Release Input Work Item`` and fix other documentation issues. - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application** (:pr:`545`): Reduce logging security release (all packages) - 27 May 2022 --------------------------------------------- **Critical** Python package security update concerning ``pillow`` package which is a common image processing library for Python. All new release versions: - ``rpaframework`` **15.0.0** - ``rpaframework-aws`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-google`` **5.0.0** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **4.0.0** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **4.0.0** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **5.0.0** 14.2.0 - 25 May 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF** (:issue:`515`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **3.0.1**): Ensures checkboxes are ticked correctly with latest dependency upgrades. - Library **RPA.JSON** (:issue:`481`): Keyword ``Delete From JSON`` supports *filter* expressions for keys removal. - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium** (:pr:`502`): Automatically add URL scheme when navigating, such as `https` (default) or `http`. This functionality is controlled with the keyword ``Set Default URL Scheme``. with the keyword `Set default URL scheme`. - Library **RPA.Hubspot**: Fix several bugs and improve logging (:issue:`504`, :issue:`505`, :issue:`506`, and :issue:`507`). 14.1.1 - 12 May 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** (:issue:`500`): Keywords ``Authorize[ Imap/Smtp]`` support `is_oauth` parameter which instructs the client to authenticate through the basic (`False`) or XOAUTH2 (`True`) protocol. - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`490`): Keyword examples updated to be more complete and Python examples have been added to all keywords. 14.1.0 - 05 May 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:issue:`485`): Automatically parse into ``email[body]`` payload variable the e-mail body on e-mail Process triggering with "Parse email" configuration option enabled in Control Room. - Library **RPA.Hubspot** (:pr:`484`): Add keywords for creating and updating objects in Hubspot, as well as a new batch system when creating batched inputs via keyword. - Library **RPA.Excel.Files** (:pr:`491`): - Fix ``IndexError`` when removing *.xls* worksheets. - Fix removing currently active worksheet. 14.0.0 - 02 May 2022 -------------------- - Robot Framework 5 support, but not restricted to (:pr:`470`): - Read **migration instructions** on `Taking Robot Framework 5 into use `_ - TRY-EXCEPT-ELSE-FINALLY - WHILE - Inline IF-ELSE IF-ELSE - BREAK and CONTINUE - RETURN - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange** (:issue:`477`): Keyword ``Send Message`` supports sending messages with any combination of `recipients`, `cc` and/or `bcc`. - The support for Python version 3.6 has been **REMOVED** from the ``rpaframework[-*]`` packages starting with the following versions (:pr:`469`): - ``rpaframework`` **14.0.0** - ``rpaframework-aws`` **2.0.0** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **2.0.0** - ``rpaframework-google`` **4.0.0** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **4.0.0** 13.3.1 - 15 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **3.1.1**, :pr:`473`): Fix documentation. 13.3.0 - 14 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: Include fix for dependency ``robocorp-dialog`` package. - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **3.1.0**, :issue:`439`): - Keyword ``Get Elements`` returns all similar elements matching locator. (:pr:`471`) - Keyword ``List Windows`` returns now extra attributes similar to the old deprecated ``RPA.Desktop.Windows`` library (:issue:`408`): - ``automation_id`` - ``control_type`` - ``class_name`` - ``rectangle`` - ``keyboard_focus`` - ``is_active`` - ``object`` - Improved locators parsing and ability to enclose values containing spaces with ``"`` double-quote. (:issue:`363`) .. warning:: This is a **breaking** change! If you use single-quote locator value enclosing, please switch it to double-quote instead. (e.g. ``Control Window subname:'- Notepad'`` -> ``Control Window subname:"- Notepad"``) If you're having issues with your current robots, pin in your *conda.yaml* ``rpaframework-core==7.0.1`` and stay on ``rpaframework<=13.2.0``. Once you do the double-quote fix, remove the pin and upgrade to the latest ``rpaframework``. 13.2.0 - 08 Apr 2022 -------------------- - New library **RPA.Hubspot**: Library support for Hubspot CRM API. Current keywords primarily focus on retrieving data from Hubspot, there is currently no support for updating information. 13.1.0 - 07 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database**: Fix configuration value retrieval. (:pr:`456`) - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: Add next button to support wizard style dialogs. (:issue:`452`) 13.0.3 - 05 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database**: Fix queries with ``pyodbc`` module. (affects Microsoft SQL Server, :issue:`443`) 13.0.2 - 04 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix handling of ``cc`` and ``bcc`` fields with ``Send Message`` keyword - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS**: - Fix initializing services with Vault (broken by **13.0.1** release) - The service region can also be given as a environment variable or as Vault key: ``AWS_REGION`` - Included and available as separate package ``rpaframework-aws`` **1.0.3** 13.0.1 - 01 Apr 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS**: Fix getting analysis result from larger PDF files - Library **RPA.Tables**: Fix reading table from CSV file with longer rows - Various updates to keyword type hinting - New package ``rpaframework-aws`` **1.0.2** (can be used without ``rpaframework`` package) 13.0.0 - 28 Mar 2022 -------------------- - Major version upgrades for the following packages (incompatible with ``rpaframework<13``): - ``rpaframework-google`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-recognition`` **2.0.0** - ``rpaframework-windows`` **3.0.0** - ``rpaframework-dialogs`` **1.0.0** - ``rpaframework-pdf`` **2.0.0** .. warning:: Any optional package (`google`, `recognition`) should be upgraded at least to the version above in your *conda.yaml* in order to use ``rpaframework`` **13.0.0**. (if such dependencies are explicitly pinned) .. note:: Package ``rpaframework-windows`` can be omitted entirely from the *conda.yaml* since it's included automatically with this version. 12.10.1 - 25 Mar 2022 --------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix multiple recipients error with ``Send Message`` 12.10.0 - 23 Mar 2022 --------------------- - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS**: Fix ``Download Files`` on saving objects with paths. - Library **RPA.HTTP**: Overriding ``RequestsLibrary`` logging to DEBUG level for request and response. - Automatically installing ``rpaframework-windows`` **2.3.2**. (no need to specify this dependency in your *conda.yaml* anymore) - Deprecated ``RPA.Desktop.Windows`` in favor of ``RPA.Windows``. 12.9.0 - 11 Mar 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Process**: - Add keyword ``List Process Run Work Items`` - Add parameter `step_run_id` into ``Get Process Run Status`` - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Fix issue with ``Get Window Elements`` - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: Fix issue of `auto_close=False` "hanging" on Windows OS task teardown - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add parameters `cc` and `bcc` to the ``Send Message`` keyword - Fix issue with ``List Messages`` - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: - Add more filtering keys to the `criterion` parameter (detailed description in the `library documentation `_) - The `contains` parameter has been deprecated as filtering keys now has `_contains` option, for example `` - Fix issue with keyword ``Wait For Message`` - Resolved **Github** issues - `RPA.Email.Exchange. Error with Wait For Message keyword filtering `_ - `RPA.Email.Exchange Wait for Message keyword throws an error `_ - `Email.Exchange: Add more support for email filtering `_ - `Get Window Elements triggers NotImplementedError `_ - `Email.ImapSmtp: Issues with filtering emails `_ 12.8.2 - 25 Feb 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Keyword ``Create Output Work Item`` supports adding `variables`, `files` and saving in one go through parameters. (:issue:`392`) - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **2.2.2**): Keyword ``Get Os Version`` returns proper Windows version. (:pr:`394`) - Library **RPA.Excel.Files**: - Fix I/O for tables with one or no rows. (:issue:`391`) - Add parameter ``data_only`` to keyword ``Open Workbook`` to read value instead of formula on XLSX file. 12.8.1 - 18 Feb 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Excel.Application**: Fix on Windows 11 given pywin32 dependency update. - Package **comtypes** upgrade which fixes `Syntax Error` issues. - Library **RPA.core**: Add internal ``interact()`` helper for interrupting code execution and spawning an interactive shell which aids REPL debugging. - Library **RPA.Windows** (``rpaframework-windows`` **2.2.1**): - Add keyword ``Get Os Version`` which returns the current Windows version. - Add keyword ``Close Window`` which closes any matched open window. - Keyword ``Get Elements`` returns now only sibling elements similar to provided `locator`. - General library and tests fixes. (`COMError`, comtypes) 12.8.0 - 10 Feb 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Tables**: Add delimiter support to ``Write Table To CSV`` 12.7.0 - 10 Feb 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp** - Add email dictionary support for all keywords with parameter ``criterion`` - Add `prefix` parameter to keywords ``Save Message`` and ``Save Attachment`` 12.6.1 - 08 Feb 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Fix saving .eml attachments from emails (:issue:`381`) - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix handling of folder names with spaces (:issue:`380`) 12.6.0 - 27 Jan 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: Add ``Close Java Window`` keyword 12.5.1 - 18 Jan 2022 -------------------- - Fix importing issues of **RPA.Desktop** on Windows due to ``comtypes`` dependency Python 3 compatibility. 12.5.0 - 17 Jan 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Add .eml file support to ``Save Attachments`` keyword - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Add `strict` locator match support to locator string and to keyword ``Get Elements`` - Fix some issues related to ``JavaElement`` objects 12.4.1 - 12 Jan 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Fix scaling issue when clicking element coordinates (:issue:`355`) - Add ``click`` and ``type_text`` methods into ``Java Element`` object - Fix ``Type Text - Library **RPA.Notifier**: - Fix handling of keyword **kwargs parameter - Add kwargs documentation and examples 12.3.0 - 10 Jan 2022 -------------------- - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Add keyword ``Read Table`` which returns table cells as ``Java Element``s (more info in the documentation). - Keyword ``Get Elements`` can also return elements as ``Java Element`` when new parameter `java_element=True`. - Fix locator value parsing for keys like `indexInParent` which can have only integer value. - Open known issue: clicking table cell elements seems to be problematic atleast on Java Swing application (:issue:`355`) 12.2.0 - 17 Dec 2021 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Database**: - Keyword ``Query`` supports now a ``returning`` parameter which explicitly instructs the statement execution to return or not the fetched values. (:issue:`286`) - Auto commits and rollbacks fixes given the ``sanstran`` flag. (:issue:`282`) - Library **RPA.PDF**: Fixed ``Add Watermark Image To PDF`` with the same file for both input and output (:issue:`337`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **1.30.4**) 12.1.2 - 14 Dec 2021 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF**: HTML -> PDF rendering serialized fonts cleanup bug fix (:pr:`322`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **1.30.3**) 12.1.1 - 7 Dec 2021 ------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF**: Serialize PDF related fonts under Robocorp's home directory (:pr:`315`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **1.30.2**) 12.1.0 - 7 Dec 2021 ------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF** (:issue:`304`, ``rpaframework-pdf`` **1.30.1**): - Fixed unicode when rendering HTML as PDF - Fixed PDF form fields setting given various codecs - Faster PDF parsing - Updated docs on ``Find Text`` keyword and library Releases on 01 Dec 2021 ----------------------- - All rpaframework packages include now `.libspec` file for each library in the package. This will make coding experience in the VSCode editor better via ``Robot Framework Language Server`` extension. - `rpaframework` **12.0.3** - `rpaframework-windows` **1.4.2** - `rpaframework-google` **1.0.2** 12.0.0 - 29 Nov 2021 -------------------- - Add .libspec files for all the libraries (used by VScode extension) - Library **RPA.PDF** (:issue:`243`): - Keyword ``Find Text`` improvements and **breaking** changes: - Sets and works with multiple anchors if more than one are found - Anchor search supports "regex:" criteria too through the locator - `only_closest` parameter got replaced by `closest_neighbours` which can specify the max number of adjacent texts to return in the match object - The return value is a list of `Match` objects where every match has an `anchor` (the pinpoint in the PDF through locator) and a list of `neighbours` (the adjacent texts to the anchor given the provided direction) - Fixed by ``rpaframework-pdf`` **1.26.11** (included in this release) 11.6.4 - 24 Nov 2021 -------------------- - API retrying improvements affecting Work Items (:issue:`298`) - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Keyword ``Email To Document`` for converting HTML or Text e-mails into Word documents (:issue:`295`) - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** (:pr:`285`): - Removed Keyword ``Parse Work Item From Email`` - Automatically loads e-mail body formats like JSON/YAML/Text/HTML into "parsedEmail" work item variable - Updated ``rpaframework-recognition`` dependency (to version 1.0.0) (:pr:`303`) 11.6.3 - 15 Nov 2021 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix email fetch when uid is empty 11.6.2 - 13 Nov 2021 -------------------- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix handling of application/octet-stream attachments 11.6.1 - 12 Nov 2021 -------------------- - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Fix non empty or junk XML dumping on PDF parsing (:issue:`287`) - Fixed by ``rpaframework-pdf`` **0.10.0** (included in this release) - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Fix sender name encoding when using ``Send Message`` keyword (:issue:`279`) - Fix filename encoding when using ``Save Attachment``/``Save Attachments`` keywords (:issue:`290`) 11.6.0 - 4 Nov 2021 ------------------- - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Keyword ``Parse Work Item From Email`` for retrieving the input item dictionary payload from the sent e-mail JSON body which triggered the process (:issue:`275`) - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Fix how keyword ``Screenshot`` handles filename when saving 11.5.2 ------ - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: Raise the causing error (instead of just logging it) if initialization fails 11.5.1 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Keyword `For Each Input Work Item` supports now human-friendly parameter names as `items_limit` and `return_results` 11.5.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: - Keyword `For Each Input Work Item` bugfixes and results collection switch (:issue:`250`) - Keyword `Release Input Work Item` allows exception passing with type, code and name (:pr:`256`) - Automatic API call retrying under Control Room for failed requests (:issue:`252`) - Default input item during local dev, docs and cloud requests hotfixes (:pr:`253`) - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application**: - Changes related to (:issue:`248`) - Add new keyword `Get Emails` - Add new keyword `Mark Emails As Read` - Add new keyword `Move Emails` - Add new keyword `Save Email Attachments` - Renamed keyword `Send Email` (old keyword `Send Message` gives Deprecation warning) - Renamed keyword `Wait For Email` (old keyword `Wait For Message` gives Deprecation warning) - Add warning message if importing Windows platform dependtant library on non-Windows platform - **RPA.Desktop.Windows** - **RPA.Excel.Application** - **RPA.Outlook.Application** - **RPA.Word.Application** - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Add possibility to bypass initial element lookup when using `Open Dialog` or `Connect By Handle` keywords - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Keyword `List Messages` bugfix 11.4.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems** support on iterating work items for both local development and in the cloud: - Add keyword `For Each Input Work Item` for applying a keyword over all input work items (:pr:`241`) - Add keywords `Get Current Work Item` and `Release Input Work Item` for releasing and setting the state of the currently processed input work item (:pr:`245`) 11.3.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.Vault**: Supports both .yaml/.json local vault secrets file formats (:issue:`225`) - Library **RPA.PDF**: Add possibility to preserve whitespacing in PDF textboxes - :issue:`235` - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: New environment variables for work items I/O during local dev ("RPA_INPUT_WORKITEM_PATH", "RPA_OUTPUT_WORKITEM_PATH" - :pr:`234`) - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Fix `Move Messages` issue (:issue:`237`) - Add keyword `Move Messages By IDs` - Fix boolean return values for keywords doing definite actions (like Mark As Read, Delete Messages..) - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Update `exchangelib` dependency to 4.5.1 and pin `tzlocal` dependency to 2.1 11.2.1 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Handle payloads with non-ascii characters - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: Date ISO format for ``Add Date Input`` keyword - Library **RPA.Desktop**: Always write unicode with ``Type text`` 11.2.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: ``Add Date Input`` keyword - New library **RPA.Robocorp.Process**: Library support for Control Room Process API 11.1.3 ------ - Library **RPA.Salesforce**: - Fix ``Salesforce Query`` result being limited to 250 objects - Add parameter to ``Salesforce Query`` to return result as ``Table`` 11.1.2 ------ - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Remove newline and carriage return chars from attachment filenames - Fix problem with saving attachments which do not have payload 11.1.1 ------ - Library **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: Ensure file-based database has at least one item - Library **RPA.Tables**: Fix reversed sort ordering - Library **RPA.Windows**: Fix internal argument for ``Screenshot`` keyword - Library **RPA.JSON**: Fix docstring examples 11.1.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add support for IMAP literal search - Add support for Gmail advanced search 11.0.0 ------ - Migration guide: Given this major upgrade, the ``Load Work Item ...`` keywords got removed with functionality replaced by ``Get Input Work Item``. Use this keyword for loading your next input work item no matter if you're running the robot in Control Room or locally. Keep in mind that under *Robot Framework* code, the first input work item gets loaded automatically and you don't need to call this keyword if you only process one item in your run. For disabling this behavior, use ``autoload=${False}`` when importing the ``RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems`` library. If multiple steps are configured in Control Room, make sure that "Done items forwarding" is checked in Process' configuration. Uncheck this if you have a modern robot that explicitly retrieves multiple input work items and creates output ones. - Terminology fixes for Robocorp Control Room - Renamed library **RPA.Robocloud.Items** to **RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems**: - Previous import works as before, with deprecation warning - Removed keywords ``Load work item`` and ``Load work item from environment`` - Added keywords ``Get input work item`` and ``Create output work item`` - Added support for variables and home directory in local database path - Changed local work items format - Renamed library **RPA.Robocloud.Secrets** to **RPA.Robocorp.Vault**: - Previous import works as before, with deprecation warning - Added support for variables and home directory in local vault path - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add `uid` into email dictionary - Fix email body decoding - Fix folder list problem when requesting non-existing folder - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Handle missing document information - Always create output directory when writing to disk - Library **RPA.Windows**: Fix exception from empty parent attribute - Library **RPA.Images**: - Deprecate screenshot keywords, use ``rpaframework-recognition`` for template matching - Use the library **RPA.Desktop** for image-based automation going forward 10.9.3 ------ - Library **RPA.Excel.Files**: - Return empty list when reading empty worksheet (:issue:`203`) - Correctly handle header names with non-string values 10.9.2 ------ - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Fix ``List Messages`` error not returning matching emails - Fix marking emails as SEEN when using ``List Messages`` or ``Wait For Message`` - Add ``encoding`` library initialization parameter (default is ``utf-8`` as it used to be) - Add ``readonly`` parameter to keywords ``List Messages`` (True), ``Wait For Message`` (True) and ``Select Folder`` (False). Default values are in the parenthesis. 10.9.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Add COMError protection to keyword ``Open From Search`` - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix possible `None` error when reading email body - Library **RPA.Database**: Fix typo in ibm_db connection - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: - Add new library init parameters: ``ignore_callbacks`` and ``access_bridge_path`` - Bump java-access-bridge-wrapper version to 0.7.4 10.8.0 ------ - Library **RPA.HTTP**: - Fix downloading of big files - Bump robotframework-requests version to 0.9.1 10.7.1 ------ - Bump robotframework-pythonlibcore version to 3.0.0 10.6.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Add keyword ``Save Message`` to save message in EML format 10.5.0 ------ - Library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge**: Bump ``java-access-bridge-wrapper`` to latest version - Library **RPA.Database**: Add parameter ``autocommit`` to ``connect_to_database`` keyword (now only used with pymssql module) - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Fix ``List Messages`` when ``received_by`` is missing from the email 10.4.0 ------ - New experimental library **RPA.JavaAccessBridge** Library requirements: - Windows only - Java Access Bridge is enabled - Environment variable pointing to the Access Bridge DLL file is set See more details in library documentation. Feedback is highly appreciated via Slack or Github issues! - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Allow sending message with empty account and password 10.3.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Database**: Return rows for ``SHOW`` and ``EXPLAIN`` statements - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Add ``parent`` as possible locator 10.2.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Excel.Application**: - Add keyword ``Export As PDF`` - Add automatic document and application closing to prevent file being locked - Library **RPA.FTP**: Add keyword parameters to support FTP over TLS/SSL (FTPS) - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Add point of ``origin`` parameter to ``Drag and Drop`` rpaframework-google: 0.2.3 -------------------------- - Fix authentication issue when using Robocorp Vault - Fix keyword ``Synthesize Speech`` 10.1.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Excel.Files**: - Add keyword ``Set cell format`` for adjusting cell number formatting - Add new keyword aliases ``Get cell value`` and ``Set cell value`` - Improve keyword documentation - Library **RPA.Excel.Application**: Add option to save in legacy formats - Library **RPA.Desktop**: Fix issues with ``Press keys`` on Windows 10.0.7 ------ - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: Print full traceback from errors when opening dialog - Update optional ``numpy`` and ``opencv`` dependencies 10.0.6 ------ - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: - Add unique name and icon for dialog window - Fix MacOS keyboard focus and dock icon issues 10.0.5 ------ - Bump PyObjC versions from 6.x to 7.x, to fix possible API version errors with MacOS 10.0.4 ------ - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: - Fix automatic height calculation on Windows - Fix element clearing if dialog throws exception - Fix errors in keyword examples 10.0.3 ------ - Updated ``rpaframework-pdf`` dependency 10.0.2 ------ - Fix ``use-robocorp-vault`` script error when creating ``devdata/env.json`` file 10.0.1 ------ - Fix ``TypeError`` errors when creating Tables inside Robocorp Lab 10.0.0 ------ - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google**: - Available now as ``rpaframework-google`` package instead of rpaframework extra - Added basic support for ``Gmail API`` - Added keyword tags to identify keywords by service in the documentation - Fix regression bug with Sheets keyword ``Insert Values`` - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: - Open dialogs as native OS windows instead of new browser instances - Renamed multiple keywords and arguments, added type hints for all arguments - Visual upgrade to all components - Available separately as ``rpaframework-dialogs`` package, but still part of main release - Library **RPA.Tables**: - Removed support for named rows, which caused confusion and had several shortcomings - Added automatic argument conversion for all keywords - Added examples for all keywords 9.6.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: - Return file paths of saved attachments - Fix problem with non-ASCII attachment filenames - Library **RPA.FileSystem**: Fix default argument handling (:issue:`170`) - Library **RPA.Word.Application**: Add option to control opening documents in ReadOnly mode (:issue:`171`) 9.5.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Tables**: - Add ``encoding`` option for CSV reading and writing - Add ``not contains`` and ``not in`` operators for filtering - Library **RPA.JSON**: Add indent option to ``Save JSON To File`` - Library **RPA.Excel.Files**: Add keyword ``Get worksheet value`` - Library **RPA.HTTP**: Allow string as ``verify`` parameter to give path to CA_BUNDLE 9.4.0 ----- - Library **RPA.PDF**: Add ``Set Convert Settings`` keyword to adjust document analysis settings from default values 9.3.4 ----- - Library **RPA.PDF**: Add orientation, rotate and format image properties for ``Add Files To PDF`` - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google**: Fix bug in create file properties and set initial mimetype correctly 9.3.3 ----- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google**: Fix mimetype error with ``Drive Upload File`` 9.3.2 ----- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: Fix ``Empty Folder`` keyword 9.3.1 ----- - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google**: Add missing service account support for ``Drive`` and ``Apps Script`` 9.3.0 ----- - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Add keywords ``Save Figure As Image`` and ``Save Figures As Images`` to save PDF Figure objects - Add keyword ``Add Files To PDF`` to combine images and/or a PDFs (or pages from PDF) to new PDF - Improved performance by setting pdfminer log level to INFO - Library **RPA.Dialogs**: - Add new keyword ``Add Password Input``, see (:pr:`161`) - Logging from keyword ``Request Response`` is now suppressed in Robot Framework logs Thank you for submitting the pull request! 9.2.1 ----- - Library **Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix issue with saving attachments 9.2.0 ----- - Add new script **use-robocorp-vault**, which helps to setup local development run to use Robocorp Vault 9.1.0 ----- - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Restore path create feature for keyword ``HTML To PDF`` - Fix keyword annotation of ``Save PDF``, which caused unavailability of the keyword - Update changes to this library in release notes of ``8.0.0`` - Known issue about viewing PDF with form checkbox fields, see (:issue:`156`) - Library **RPA.Cloud.Google**: - Add Sheets keyword ``Update Values`` - Add Sheets keyword ``Copy Sheet`` - Return responses from all Sheets keywords 9.0.0 ----- Update to **Robot Framework 4.0**. Feature highlights: - Native IF/ELSE syntax - Ability to skip tasks dynamically - Argument auto-conversion improvements - Documentation generation improvements - Removal of task criticality To see the full list of changes see `the official release notes `_. 8.2.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Robocloud.Secrets**: - Add keyword ``Set Secret`` for updating stored secrets 8.1.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: - Add keyword ``List Unread Messages`` - Add keyword ``Move Message`` 8.0.1 ----- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: Fix webdriver creation on Windows 8.0.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: - Keyword ``Open Available Browser`` has the default option 'AUTO' for arguments ``headless`` and ``download``. See keyword documentation for details. - Webdrivers for Chrome/Chromium and Firefox are automatically matched to the currently installed browser version. - Webdrivers which are still running on Python process exit are closed automatically to prevent hanging subprocesses. (:issue:`94`) - Webdrivers are stored in the user's home folder, to speed up browser start-up times between reboots. - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Refactor library into a separate package. (:issue:`97`) - Rename keyword ``Add Image to PDF`` to ``Add Watermark Image to PDF``. - Rename ``Get Value From Anchor`` to ``Find Text``. - Rename ``Page Rotate`` to ``Rotate Page``. - Rename ``PDF Decrypt`` to ``Decrypt PDF``. - Rename ``PDF Encrypt`` to ``Encrypt PDF``. - Rename ``Update Field Values`` to ``Save Field Values``. - Rename ``Open PDF Document`` to ``Open PDF``. - Rename ``Close PDF Document`` to ``Close PDF``. - Unify keyword signatures, now keywords can be given an input and output paths. If no input path given, the library assumes a PDF is already opened by some other keyword. If no output path given, the library will output the file to ``output/output.pdf``. - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: - Keyword ``Open File`` return type changed from boolean to integer, to indicate the opened application ID - Add ``object`` key into ``Get Window List`` return data (allows advanced usage) - Change how field is emptied with ``Type Into`` parameter ``empty_field=True`` - Library **RPA.Tables**: - Add option to define column name for unknown CSV fields, and warn about header and data mismatch - Correctly handle source data with ``NoneType`` columns - Library **RPA.Word.Application**: Fix saving with Office 2007 and older (:issue:`146`) - Library **RPA.Cloud.AWS**: - Add keyword ``Convert Textract Response To Model`` - Add ``model`` parameter to Keyword ``Analyze Document`` for getting modeled response object - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Set attachment header correctly (:issue:`148`) 7.6.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application**: Fix ``ActiveDocument`` bug when closing Outlook - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Convert non-literal values in ``List Messages`` response to strings - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: Add keyword ``Set Automation Speed`` 7.5.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Email.Exchange**: - Fix sub folder bug with ``Move Messages`` - Add keyword ``Save Attachments`` - Add ``criterion`` parameter to ``List Messages`` for filtering - Add ``save_dir`` parameter to ``List Messages`` for saving attachments - Add more details into returned messages - Library **RPA.Database**: - Fix bug with ``Call Stored Procedure`` - Hide details of ``Connect To Database`` from Robot Framework logs 7.4.2 ----- - Library **RPA.Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix errors in server folder handling - Library **RPA.Desktop**: Use correct default application when opening files on Windows - Fix integer handling in ``Notebook Print`` core keyword 7.4.1 ----- - Library **RPA.Outlook.Application**: Fix HTML email body issue 7.4.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: - Add parameter ``user_agent`` for keywords ``Open Available Browser`` and ``Open Chrome Browser`` - Add keyword ``Execute CDP`` to execute Chrome DevTools Protocol commands - Fix issues with Windows library imports on Python 3.9 7.3.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: - ``Open File`` performs the ``Open Dialog`` call only if windowtitle is given - Expose ``timeout`` parameter for ``Open File`` keyword - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: - Keyword ``Open Available Browser`` now prints table of attempts to Notebooks on error - Library **RPA.JSON**: Add optional default for fetching values 7.2.0 ----- - Library **RPA.Desktop.Windows**: - Add keyword ``Refresh Window`` to support element re-evaluation when UI changes - Improve ``Restore Dialog`` keyword - Add experimental support for combined locators like ``name:element1 and type:Button`` - Add window title wildcard support for keywords starting applications and ``Open Dialog`` - Fix ``Quit Application`` error when using process id to quit - Add ``focus`` parameter to ``Mouse Click`` keyword - Add ``legacy`` and ``object`` attributes to element dictionary - Fix ``Wait For Element`` error when asserting number of elements to wait - Fix ``Open File`` by adding parameters to control window it opens - Fix ``Connect By Handle`` parameter type to int - Library **RPA.Desktop.OperatingSystem**: Add keyword ``Process ID Exists`` - Library **RPA.Browser.Selenium**: - Add keyword ``Print to PDF`` - Increase headless Chrome window size - Library **RPA.PDF**: - Add possibility to get textboxes (text and its coordinates) with keyword ``Get Text From PDF`` - Add possibility to set anchor to point or area for keyword ``Get Value From Anchor`` 7.1.1 ----- - Library **Desktop.Windows**: - Fix `Open Executable` error not taking control of the window - Address window resizing issue with `Open Dialog` 7.1.0 ----- - New library **Crypto** for common hashing and encryption operations - Library **Cloud.Google**: Improve help and error messages for ``rpa-google-oauth`` tool - Library **Desktop**: Handle locators with whitespace, allow using return values as arguments - Library **Dialogs**: Throw error if user closes browser, add timeout to response - Library **Excel.Application**: - Expose ``header`` argument in ``Create Worksheet`` - Fix issues with worksheet access in keywords - Deprecate argument ``tabname`` in keyword ``Add new sheet`` - Add more helpful error messages - Library **FileSystem**: Add keyword for reading file owner - Constrain version of ``comtypes`` dependency to fix issue with Windows DLLs 7.0.5 ----- - Fix issue with pip resolving incompatible chardet version 7.0.4 ----- - Library **Desktop.Windows**: Remove library destructor actions 7.0.3 ----- - Library **Desktop.Windows**: Fix possible COM exception when gathering elements from a window 7.0.2 ----- - Library **Cloud.Google**: Remove unnecessary log message 7.0.1 ----- - Library **Cloud.Google**: Fix how authentication scopes are initialized 7.0.0 ----- - Library **Desktop**: - Add initial version of OCR support - Add syntax for locator chaining - Add built-in buffer time between keyboard/mouse inputs - Add built-in wait period for all locators, instead of failing immediately - Add preview images for matched locators in Robot Framework log - Library **Cloud.Google**: - Add support for Apps Script service - Add support for Drive service - Library **Desktop.Windows**: Add more properties into dictionary returned by ``Get Window List`` - Library **Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add keyword ``Move Messages`` - Add source folder parameter to ``List Messages`` - Add limit to ``Delete Messages`` - Add keywords to add/remove labels from GMail messages - Add keyword ``Do Message Actions`` for performing custom set of actions on selected messages - **RPA.Browser** libraries - RPA.Browser.Playwright has been added, enabling use of playwright based robotframework-browser library - RPA.Browser was moved to RPA.Browser.Selenium, and the old import RPA.Browser is kept as deprecated alias for now - Library **Tables**: Correctly handle empty fields when filtering 6.7.3 ----- - Fix issue with pip resolving incompatible chardet version 6.7.2 ----- - Add ``docutils`` as dependency to fix robotframework-lsp support 6.7.1 ----- - Library **Desktop**: Fix moving mouse to image template 6.7.0 ----- - Library **Excel.Files**: - Add keyword for inserting images to worksheets - Fix off-by-one issue with ``Find Empty Row`` return value - Library **Desktop**: - Store screenshots in unique path by default, embed preview in logs - Resolve image templates correctly with different working directories - Library **Excel.Application**: - Add keyword ``Find First Available Cell`` to return free cell - Keyword ``Open Workbook`` will set first worksheet active by default - Library **PDF**: Fix error when parsing figures in the document - Library **Database**: Add support for ``pymssql`` database module 6.6.0 ----- - Library **Tables**: Add various helper keywords: - ``Merge Tables`` for merging tables, with an optional shared key - ``Find Table Rows`` for finding rows with a specific column value - ``Set Row As Column Names`` for setting an existing row as header - Library **Browser**: Add keyword ``Highlight Elements`` for highlighting elements that match a selector - Library **RPA.Desktop**: Fix macOS coordinate scaling when using image template locators - Remove dependency to ``python-evdev`` on Linux 6.5.0 ----- - Library **Excel.Application**: Fix for `finding first available row `_. - Add missing variables for Robot Framework library scope and documentation format - Add more verbose library docstrings in general 6.4.0 ----- - Library **Browser**: Add ``Set Download Directory`` keyword - Library **Cloud.AWS**: Add keywords for Textract asynchronous operations regarding document analysis and text detection - Library **Dialogs**: Default value support for input text element (pull request #70) - Library **Desktop.Windows**: ``Mouse Click`` keyword supports now also element dictionary as target locator 6.3.1 ----- - Library **Desktop.Windows**: Add parameter to ``Get Element`` to prevent opening dialog 6.3.0 ----- - Library **Desktop**: Image template confidence changed to logarithmic scale - Library **HTTP**: Directory support for download target - Reduce logging in keyboard emulation keywords, e.g. ``Send Keys``, to prevent accidentally logging sensitive information 6.2.0 ----- - Library **Desktop.Windows**: Add timeout parameter for keywords ``Open From Search`` and ``Open Using Run Dialog`` 6.1.0 ----- - New library **JSON** for manipulating JSON objects 6.0.2 ----- - Library **Desktop**: - Library scope changed to global - Obey default image locator confidence 6.0.1 ----- - Library **Desktop**: Fix case handling with default locator 6.0.0 ----- - Library **FileSystem**: Replace ``force`` arguments with ``missing_ok`` to match python API - Library **Desktop**: Initial release of new cross-platform desktop automation library - Library **Dialogs**: Add library initialization arguments to change server port and form stylesheet - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Remove invalid assert on file overwrite - Library **Browser**: - Add new option to allow missing elements with status keywords such as ``Is Element Visible`` - Set Chrome argument ``disable-dev-shm-usage`` by default in all environments 5.3.3 ----- - Library **Images**: Fix duplicate region matches, timeout option - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Allow saving files with FileAdapter 5.3.2 ----- - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Fix relative path inputs, always return absolute paths. 5.3.1 ----- - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Fix accessing unsaved files from items - Library **Tables**: Fix creating empty table with predefined columns - Library **Database**: Fix ``Query`` keyword bug when SELECT result is empty 5.3.0 ----- - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Support for files in work items - Library **Dialogs**: Type hinting and documentation updates - Library **Images**: Raise error when timeout has been reached 5.2.0 ----- - New library **Dialogs** which allows getting input from the user via HTML forms 5.1.0 ----- - Library **Browser**: Add keyword ``Get Browser Capabilities`` - Library **Cloud.Google**: Add Google Sheets service support 5.0.0 ----- - Library **Database**: - Drop dependency robotframework-databaselibrary - Some of the old keywords do not exist anymore and some new keywords have been added (*NOTE. backwards compatibility breaking change*) - Library **PDF**: Keywords ``Template HTML To PDF`` and ``HTML To PDF`` will now create directory structure and overwrite existing file by default. - Library **Images**: Remove ``Save Format`` option from ``Take Screenshot`` and ``Crop Image`` keywords. Change screenshotting library from ``pyscreenshot`` to ``mss``. 4.2.0 ----- - Library **Browser**: - Add keywords ``Does Alert Contain`` and ``Does Alert Not Contain`` - Fix ``Screenshot`` to explicitly call ``Notebook Image`` to insert images into notebook when that is available - Library **Robocloud.Items**: Allow NoneType as default for variables 4.1.0 ----- - Library **Browser**: Add keyword ``Open User Browser`` which opens URL with user's default browser. Allows using browser's existing cache. To control this browser see keyword ``Attach Chrome Browser`` or use ``Desktop.Windows`` library to control the browser 4.0.0 ----- - Library **Browser**: Change keyword ``Screenshot`` to embed Base64 image string into log and save same Base 64 string to a file as png image (*NOTE. backwards compatibility breaking change*) - Library **Desktop.Windows**: - Fix Windows backend handling to be consistent within a library - New keyword ``Set Windows Backend`` 3.0.0 ----- - Upgrade ``Robot Framework`` to 3.2.2 - Upgrade ``pyscreenshot`` to 2.2 - Library **Email.ImapSmtp**: - Add keyword examples (documentation) - Change ``List Messages`` to return list of dictionaries containing message attributes. In addition there is attribute `Has-Attachments` for each message (*NOTE. backwards compatibility breaking change*) - Add keyword ``Save Attachment`` which can be used save attachments from a message. Can be used when looping through messages received by ``List Messages`` - Library **Desktop.Windows**: - Add keyword examples (documentation) - Add keyword ``Get Text``. Returns dictionary of possible values due to many implementation methods - Add parameter `empty_field` to keyword ``Type Into`` which will empty field before typing into a field - Add keyword ``Wait For Element`` which will search for element with timeout - Add more information about started app instances into application list - Library **Desktop.OperatingSystem**: - Add keyword examples (documentation) - Add keyword ``Kill Process By PID`` to terminate process using its identifier - Library **Browser**: - Add keyword examples (documentation) - Add `proxy` parameter for keywords ``Open Available Browser`` and ``Open Chrome Browser``. Works only for Chrome at the moment 2.7.0 ----- - **Desktop.Windows**: Fix window dialog handling in ``Open Executable`` keyword - New **Archive** library for ZIP and TAR operations - **core.notebook**: Add parameter `count` to control row output from keyword ``Notebook Table`` 2.6.0 ----- - **Browser**: Do not `EMBED` screenshots when in notebook run mode - **Excel.Application**: Add keyword ``Read From Cells`` - **RobotLogListener**: Add keyword ``Mute Run On Failure`` to mute SeleniumLibrary's ``run_on_failure`` behaviour - **Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix filetype issue when adding attachments to emails - **Tables** and **Excel.Files**: Move table trimming actions from `Excel.Files` library to `Tables` library. Added parameter ``trim`` to `Tables` keyword ``Create Table`` which is by default `False` - **PDF**: Fix input field setting and saving to PDF 2.5.1 ----- - **Browser**: Fix missing default argument 2.5.0 ----- - **Browser**: - Attempt fallback browser if webdriver unpacking fails - Attempt to use webdriver from PATH - Add option to define Chrome profile path and name - Add option to define Chrome profile preferences - Add keyword to attach to existing Chrome instance - Add keyword for waiting and clicking elements - Disable Chrome's password manager prompts - **Robocloud.Items**: Allow empty list (or otherwise falsy value) as raw payload - **Desktop.Windows**: - Add keyword ``Type Into`` - Remove confusing placeholder keyword(s) - **Excel/Word/Outlook.Application**: Use early binding to ensure constants exist - **Tables**: Fix issues with invalid internal method calls - **Email.ImapSmtp**: - Use given IMAP port - Fix confusing error message if TLS not supported 2.4.0 ----- - **Browser**: Add alias support for ``Open Available Browser`` - **Browser**: Fix indexing issues with multiple ``chromedriver`` instances - **Browser**: Reduce superfluous logging from keywords - **Robocloud.Items**: Add keywords for reading and writing full payloads 2.3.0 ----- - New **FTP** library, which interacts with FTP servers - Use **RPA.core.notebook* library to output data into Jupyter Notebook (in Robocode Lab especially). Support added to keywords in the following libraries: **Browser**, **FTP**, **HTTP**, **Images**, **PDF**, **Twitter**, **Tables** and **Robocloud.Items** - **Browser** sets default screenshot directory to EMBED which means that when using keywords ``Capture Page Screenshot`` or ``Capture Element Screenshot`` without `filename` argument the image is embedded into `log.html` as Base64 image 2.2.0 ----- - **Robocloud.Secrets**: Add support for Robocloud end-to-end encryption - **FileSystem**: Add ``exist_ok`` argument for ``Create directory`` keyword - **Tasks**: Fix support for FAIL status in schema actions - **Tasks**: Allow inlining execution graph in log (enabled by default) - **Excel.Files**: Always fallback to legacy mode on error - **Tables**: Fix manual override for CSV dialect, document arguments - **Desktop.Windows**: Attach to windows more reliably, and show helpful message on error 2.1.0 ----- - **FileSystem**: Fix keyword ``Normalize Path`` to match built-in library, and add new keyword ``Absolute Path`` for previous functionality. - **PDF**: Fix keyword ``Template HTML To PDF`` to handle HTML content from non-English Chrome browser. - **PDF**: Add keyword ``HTML To PDF`` which takes HTML content as string parameter. - **Email.Exchange**: Fix ``Authorize`` when autodiscover is set to False. Add missing parameters to keyword. - New **Notifier** library, which allows using notification services like Slack, Gmail, Pushover etc. 2.0.1 ----- - **Browser**: Fix for regression in Chrome's Webdriver version handling - **Email.ImapSmtp**: Fix how IMAP server is initialized - Fix for issue with missing files when upgrading from version 1.x 2.0.0 ----- **NOTE:** Changes to **Email.ImapSmtp** and **Email.Exchange** are backwards compatibility breaking changes. - **Browser**: Added support for locator aliases - **Browser**: Upgrade ``SeleniumTestability`` plugin to 1.1.0 version - **Browser**: Remove "..controlled by automated.." infobar by default when using Chrome - **Email.ImapSmtp** library initialization parameter `port` split to `smtp_port` and `imap_port` (*breaks backwards compatibility*) - **Email.ImapSmtp**: Add keywords for folder management and marking messages as read/unread and flag/unflag - **Email.Exchange** library keyword ``list_messages`` parameter order changed - new order `folder_name`, `count` (*breaks backwards compatibility*) - **Email.Exchange**: Add keywords for folder management - **Email.Exchange**: Add keywords ``Wait For Message`` and ``Move Messages`` - Core functionality separated into ``rpaframework-core`` package 1.4.0 ----- - **Robocloud.Items**: Add keywords for listing and deleting variables - **Windows**: Add keyword ``Get Window List`` - **Windows**: Fix keywords ``Connect By PID`` and ``Connect By Handle`` 1.3.0 ----- - New features for **Browser** library - Set headless mode with environment variable ``RPA_HEADLESS_MODE=1`` - New boolean returning keywords like ``Is Element Visible`` and ``Does Page Contain`` - New keyword ``Get Element Status`` to get 4 different element states in a dictionary - Added plugin ``SeleniumTestability`` which can be enabled with ``Library RPA.Browser use_testability`` - In total 40 new keywords - **OperatingSystem**: Improve error messages on keywords restricted to specific operating systems 1.2.1 ----- - Cloud libraries: Fix ``use_robocloud_vault`` to support also ``FileSecrets`` 1.2.0 ----- - Add support for Robocloud Vault for the following libraries: - **Cloud.AWS** - **Cloud.Azure** - **Cloud.Google** - **Images**: Automatically convert points/regions from strings - **Outlook.Application**: Add keyword ``Wait For Message`` 1.1.0 ----- - New **Tasks** library, which allows using flow control between tasks - New **Cloud.Azure** library, which supports following Azure APIs: - ``Text Analytics`` - ``Face`` - ``Computer Vision`` - ``Speech`` - **Cloud.AWS**: Fix parameters and return options for keywords ``Detect Document Text`` and ``Analyze Document`` 1.0.4 ----- - **Excel.Files**: Add keyword for setting cell values - **Excel.Files**: Mitigate compatibility issues with file extensions 1.0.3 ----- - **Excel.Files**: Fixed double close issue with workbooks - **Excel.Files**: Ignoring columns with empty header - **Tables**: Improved handling of non-string columns 1.0.2 ----- - **msoffice**: Fix. Call `close document` only on Word documents - **Browser**: Fix Geckodriver downloading version based on Chrome version Thank you for providing fix for the **msoffice** 1.0.1 ----- - **Tables**: Added keywords ``Get table slice`` and ``Rename table columns`` - **Excel.Files**: Fixed various issues with appending data to empty worksheet - **Outlook**: Fix attachment handling 1.0.0 ----- - **MAJOR** change. Package has been renamed to ``rpaframework``. The old PyPI package will continue to work for a while (not receiving updates anymore), but it will be removed before official GA launch in the beginning of July. 0.11.0 ------ - **Cloud.Google**: Added as optional package, needs to be installed with ``pip install rpa-framework[google]`` Support for services: - ``Google Cloud Natural Language`` - ``Google Cloud Speech to Text`` - ``Google Cloud Storage`` - ``Google Cloud Text to Speech`` - ``Google Cloud Translation`` - ``Google Cloud Video Intelligence`` - ``Google Cloud Vision`` - **Excel.Files**: Minor documentation update 0.10.1 ------ - **Email.Exchange**: Fix parameter handling for kw ``send_message`` 0.10.0 ------ - **Email.Exchange**: Add support for ``HTML`` content, ``attachments``, and inline ``images`` - **Email.ImapSmtp**: Allow sending inline images - parameter ``images`` for kw ``Send Message`` - **HTTP**: Return response of ``Download`` keyword (including content) - **Cloud.AWS**: Due to ``boto3`` dependency size, library requires ``pip install rpa-framework[aws]`` to use 0.9.3 ----- - New library: **Cloud.AWS**, supporting following services: - ``Comprehend`` - ``S3`` - ``SQS`` - ``Textract`` - **Tables**: Add keyword ``Get table dimensions``, allow setting arbitrary cell value - New library: **Twitter** 0.9.2 ----- - Updated Robot Framework to 3.2.1 0.9.1 ----- - **Email.ImapStmp**: Fix attachment handling for kw ``Send Message`` - **Excel.Application**: Add keyword ``Run Macro`` - **PDF**: Add keywords: - ``Parse PDF`` - ``Get input fields`` - ``Update field values`` - ``Set field value`` - ``Set anchor to element`` - ``Get value from anchor`` - ``Add image to PDF`` - ``Save PDF`` - ``Dump PDF as XML`` 0.9.0 ----- - **Tables**: - **Note**: This change is backwards incompatible - Removed limitation of column names being valid Python identifiers - Default iteration method changed to dictionaries instead of namedtuples - Keywords that return rows or columns now harmonized to return them in dictionary format by default, with option to use lists - Table head/tail keywords changed to return new Table instance - Added keyword for trimming extra whitespace from column names - **Excel.Files**: Trim column names in addition to rows 0.8.7 ----- - **OperatingSystem**: psutils dependency marked as Windows only because it has wheel files only for Windows 0.8.6 ----- - **HTTP**: - Add keyword ``Download`` - Add ``overwrite`` option to ``HTTP Get`` - **FileSystem**: - Fix string interpolation in error messages - Add ``force`` option for file removal keywords - Add ``overwrite`` option for file create keywords - **Tables**: Add keyword ``Trim empty rows`` - **Excel.Files**: - Add keyword ``Read worksheet as table`` - Auto-convert integer values in .xls worksheets 0.8.5 ----- - **PDF**: Add ``Encrypt PDF`` and ``Add Pages To Source PDF`` keywords. - **Windows**: Add aliases for element locators, for better Robocode Lab compatibility - **HTTP**: Add keyword ``HTTP Get`` - **Tables**: Fix missing cell values for sanitized columns 0.8.4 ----- - Fix: **PDF** ``Template HTML to PDF`` keyword 0.8.3 ----- - Fix: **Windows** ``drag_and_drop`` keyword - New library: **Netsuite** - **PDF**: add new keywords 0.8.2 ----- - **Windows**: Add keyword for clicking image templates - **Windows**: Add keyword for drag and drop 0.8.1 ----- - **Browser**: Fix ``Open Available Browser`` kw parameter bug 0.8.0 ----- - New library: **Salesforce** - New library: **Database** 0.7.5 ----- - **Email.ImapSmtp**: Separate how IMAP and SMTP are handled in the library - **Windows**: Improve documentation for keys - **Browser**: Manage webdrivermanager download error 0.7.4 ----- - **Browser**: Restructure how driver downloads and logging are handled 0.7.3 ----- - **Browser**: Detect Chrome and chromedriver versions. Download driver if they differ - **Images**: Don't template match same region multiple times - **Tables**: - Added new keywords: ``Set table row``, ``Set table column``, ``Set table cell`` - Renamed keyword ``Get cell value`` to ``Get table cell`` 0.7.2 ----- - **Browser**: Store webdrivers in temporary directory 0.7.1 ----- First public release of RPA Framework