
RPA.MFA is a library intended mainly for generating one-time passwords (OTP) and not only, as OAuth2 support was introduced lately.

Library requires at the minimum rpaframework version 19.4.0.

Based on the pyotp and requests_oauthlib packages. It provides support for both MFA with the * OTP related keywords and OAuth2 "Authorization Code Flow" with the * OAuth * related keywords.

In the below example the mfa secret we are reading from the Robocorp Vault is the passcode generated by the Authenticator service. The passcode value is stored into the Vault with key otpsecret.

Passcode is typically a long string (16-32 characters), which is provided in a form of QR image, but it can be obtained by requesting access to a string.

Note that same code can be used to add a mobile phone as a duplicate authentication device at the same time when the same code is added into the Vault.

Robot framework example usage:

*** Settings ***
Library     RPA.MFA
Library     RPA.Robocorp.Vault

*** Tasks ***
Generate time based code
    ${secrets}=    Get Secret   mfa
    ${code}=    Get Time Based OTP    ${secrets}[otpsecret]

Python example usage

from RPA.MFA import MFA
from RPA.Robocorp.Vault import Vault

def main():
    secrets = Vault().get_secret("mfa")
    code = MFA().get_time_based_otp(secrets["otpsecret"])



= None
<str><None> vault_key
= None
<str><None> mode


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



auth_url <str> ๐Ÿท client_id <str> ๐Ÿท redirect_uri <str> ๐Ÿท scope <str> ** kwargs


Generates an authorization URL which must be opened by the user to start the OAuth2 flow and obtain an authorization code as response.

The received response URL should be passed further with Get OAuth Token in order to complete the flow. Arbitrary keyword arguments can be passed to the keyword, which will be redirected to the wrapped oauthlib library method call.

auth_url:Authorization endpoint to call the request on. (https URL usually ending with '/authorize')
client_id:Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
redirect_uri:Redirect URL allowed by the Client app configuration. ( necessary for getting the code response)
scope:Space-separated string of permissions. (accepted during the consent screen)
returns:Authorization URL string not containing any sensitive info in it. (call it with access_type="offline" or set the right scope in the authorization URL for ensuring the existence of the refresh token)

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks ***
Start OAuth Flow
    ${auth_url} =    Generate OAuth URL
    ...     client_id=810482312368-19htmcgcj*******
    ...     redirect_uri=
    ...     scope=
    ...     access_type=offline     prompt=consent  # explicit grant
    Log     Start OAuth2 flow: ${auth_url}

Example: Python

from RPA.MFA import MFA

lib_mfa = MFA()
auth_url = lib_mfa.generate_oauth_url(
    "", ...
print(f"Start OAuth2 flow: {auth_url}")


counter <int> otp_passcode
= None


Get counter based one time password using separately set passcode or by parameter otp_passcode. The counter index is given by the counter parameter.

counter:the index of the counter
otp_passcode:the passcode provided by the Authenticator


token_url <str> ๐Ÿท client_secret <str> ๐Ÿท response_url <str> ** kwargs


Exchanges the code obtained previously with Generate OAuth URL for a token.

The refresh token from the returned dictionary can be used further with the Refresh OAuth Token keyword in order to obtain a new access token when the previous one expires. (usually after one hour) Arbitrary keyword arguments can be passed to the keyword, which will be redirected to the wrapped oauthlib library method call.

token_url:Token endpoint used with a POST request in order to retrieve the token data. (https URL usually ending with '/token')
client_secret:Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
response_url:The final URL containing the authorization code found in the address bar after authenticating and authorizing the Client app through the authorization URL.
returns:A dictionary containing the access token, metadata and optionally the refresh token.

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks ***
Finish OAuth Flow
    ${token} =      Get OAuth Token
    ...     client_secret=GOCSPX-******mqZAW89
    ...     response_url=${resp_url}  # redirect of Generate OAuth URL

Example: Python

from RPA.MFA import MFA

lib_mfa = MFA()
lib_mfa.get_oauth_token("", ...)


= None


Get time based one time password using separately set passcode or by parameter otp_passcode.

otp_passcode:the passcode provided by the Authenticator


token_url <str> ๐Ÿท client_id
= None
<str><None> ๐Ÿท client_secret <str> ๐Ÿท refresh_token
= None
<str><None> ** kwargs


Refreshes the token as the access one usually expires after 1h and the refresh one never expires. (as long as it doesn't get revoked)

The effect of this keyword is similar to Get OAuth Token, but this time you refresh unattended an already existing token by receiving a new one instead. Arbitrary keyword arguments can be passed to the keyword, which will be redirected to the wrapped oauthlib library method call.

token_url:Token endpoint used with a POST request in order to refresh the token data. (https URL usually ending with '/token')
client_id:Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
client_secret:Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
refresh_token:Refresh token string found in the dictionary obtained with Get OAuth Token or Refresh OAuth Token.
returns:A token dictionary containing a new access token and updated metadata. (the refresh token inside isn't guaranteed to remain constant)

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks ***
Refresh OAuth Flow
    ${token} =      Refresh OAuth Token
    ...     client_id=810482312368-19htmcgcj*******
    ...     client_secret=GOCSPX-******mqZAW89
    ...     refresh_token=${token}[refresh_token]  # from Get OAuth Token

Example: Python

from RPA.MFA import MFA

lib_mfa = MFA()
    "", ...


otp_passcode <str>


Set counter based OTP with passcode.

otp_passcode:the passcode provided by the Authenticator


otp_passcode <str>


Set time based OTP with passcode.

otp_passcode:the passcode provided by the Authenticator


vault_name <str> vault_key <str> mode


Set time or counter based OTP with passcode stored in the Robocorp Vault named with vault_name under key of vault_key.

vault_name:name of the vault storing the passcode
vault_key:name of the vault key storing the passcode value

Data types

Type: OTPMode

Allowed Values

  • TIME


Enumeration for type of OTP to use.

