Library scope: | Global |
The Windows is a library that can be used for Windows desktop automation.
Library is included in the rpaframework package by default, but as shown in the below example library can be also installed separately without rpaframework.
channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python=3.9.13 - pip=22.1.2 - pip: - rpaframework-windows==7.0.2 # standalone Windows library (rpaframework includes this library)
About terminology
ControlType is a value referred to by locator keys type: or control. Represents type of application object, which can be e.g. Window, Button or ListItem.
Element is an entity of an application structure (e.g. certain button in a window), which can be identified by a locator. (also referred as Control)
WindowsElement is an library container object for the Element. All the keywords returning elements, will in fact return WindowsElement`s. The ones accepting `locator or root_element as arguments, will accept WindowsElement as an argument value. (locator accepts strings as well)
Structure of the WindowsElement
class WindowsElement: item: Control # `item` contains object instance of the element locator: str # `locator` that found this element name: str # `Name` attribute of the element automation_id: str # `AutomationId` attribute of the element control_type: str # `ControlTypeName` attribute of the element class_name: str # `ClassName` attribute of the element left: int # element's rectangle left coordinate right: int # element's rectangle right coordinate top: int # element's rectangle top coordinate bottom: int # element's rectangle bottom coordinate width: int # element's rectangle horizontal width height: int # element's rectangle vertical height xcenter: int # element's rectangle center point x coordinate ycenter: int # element's rectangle center point y coordinate
Example of the WindowsElement usage
${rows}= Get Elements class:DataGridRow # ${rows} is a list of `WindowsElement`s FOR ${row} IN @{rows} Log To Console ${} # access `WindowsElement` Log To Console ${row.item.AutomationId} # access `WindowsElement.item` directly Log To Console ${row.item.Name} # same as `${}` END
Locators are based on different strategies that can used identify Control object.
Available strategies that can be used for the locators:
Key | Maps to search property |
name | Name |
class | ClassName |
type | ControlType |
control | ControlType |
id | AutomationId |
automationid | AutomationId |
regex | RegexName |
subname | SubName |
index | foundIndex (int) |
offset | offset coordinates (x (int), y (int)) from control center |
executable | target window by its executable name |
handle | target window handle (int) |
desktop | SPECIAL target desktop, no value for the key e.g. desktop:desktop and name:Calculator |
process | NOT YET SUPPORTED target window by its executable's process id |
depth | searchDepth (int) for finding Control (default 8) |
path | target element by its index-based path traversal (e.g. path:2|3|8|2) |
About root element on locators
Locators work on currently active root element. At the start root element is the whole desktop. There are different ways on changing this root element.
Keyword Control Window is the most common method of setting certain system window as a root element for further actions using locators. In the absence of a provided root_element parameter, here's how you can control the default root element resolving:
- Set Anchor: Sets the active anchor window from which the search begins.
- Control Window: Controls and focuses on a window and marks it as the current active window, from which all the subsequent searches will start from in the absence of a set anchor.
- If there's no set anchor nor active window, then the last resort will be the "Desktop" element itself.
Locators themselves support cascading syntax (denoted by character > in the locator string), which can denote root element in "parent (root) & child" terms.
For example.
Click id:controls > id:activate
On the above example the left side of the > character, id:controls, represents the root element (can be called as "parent element" in this case). Right side of the locator string, id:activate, represents "child" element and it will be searched under the "parent element".
This way element search is more efficient, because search are restricted to certain section of element tree which can be quite huge especially on the desktop level and in certain applications.
Keyword examples:
Control Window name:Calculator Control Window Calculator # will execute search by 'name:Calculator' Control Window executable:Spotify.exe
some example locators, and can be omitted ie. space between locator keys means the same thing as and:
id:clearButton type:Group and name:"Number pad" > type:Button and index:4 type:Group and name:"Number pad" > control:Button index:5 id:Units1 > name:${unit} class:Button offset:370,0
About locator restrictions
Visual locators are not supported in this library and they can't be used in the same chain with these Windows locators. Visual locators are supported by the RPA.Desktop library. Locator chaining (image and Windows locators) support will be added in the future.
Locator syntax does not yet support OR operation (only AND operations).
About search depth
The library does element search depth by default to the level of 8. This means that locator will look into 8 levels of elements under element tree of the root element. This can lead into situation where element can't be found. To fix this it is recommended to set root element which can be found within 8 levels OR defining depth in the locator string to a bigger value, e.g. id:deeplyNestedButton depth:16. Useful keywords for setting root element are Control Window, Set Anchor and Get Element.
About the path strategy
When automation IDs and names aren't enough (or not reliable), then you can fallback to the positions of elements in a tree. This can be achieved using the path: strategy to specify a list of element positions which indicates how to traverse the tree from parent to child beginning with the resolved root.
Example: Calculator > path:2|3|2|8|2 - this locator looks for the "Calculator" window, then it looks for the 2nd direct child and then it looks for the 3rd one of the previous child and so on until it consumes the path completely. (indexes start with 1)
An alternative way to get the whole tree to explore it yourself would be to use the Print Tree keyword.
Keyboard and mouse
Keys for the keyboard actions are given using uiautomation specification.
Special keys which are given within {} syntax.
Key | Maps to action |
LBUTTON | Left mouse button |
RBUTTON | Right mouse button |
CANCEL | Control-break processing |
MBUTTON | Middle mouse button (three-button mouse) |
XBUTTON1 | X1 mouse button |
XBUTTON2 | X2 mouse button |
TAB | TAB key |
CTRL | CTRL key |
ALT | ALT key |
KANA | IME Kana mode |
HANGUEL | IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use VK_HANGUL) |
HANGUL | IME Hangul mode |
JUNJA | IME Junja mode |
FINAL | IME final mode |
HANJA | IME Hanja mode |
KANJI | IME Kanji mode |
ESC | ESC key |
ESCAPE | ESC key |
CONVERT | IME convert |
NONCONVERT | IME nonconvert |
ACCEPT | IME accept |
MODECHANGE | IME mode change request |
END | END key |
HOME | HOME key |
UP | UP ARROW key |
PRINT key | |
INSERT | INS key |
INS | INS key |
DELETE | DEL key |
DEL | DEL key |
HELP | HELP key |
WIN | Left Windows key (Natural keyboard) |
LWIN | Left Windows key (Natural keyboard) |
RWIN | Right Windows key (Natural keyboard) |
APPS | Applications key (Natural keyboard) |
SLEEP | Computer Sleep key |
NUMPAD0 | Numeric keypad 0 key |
NUMPAD1 | Numeric keypad 1 key |
NUMPAD2 | Numeric keypad 2 key |
NUMPAD3 | Numeric keypad 3 key |
NUMPAD4 | Numeric keypad 4 key |
NUMPAD5 | Numeric keypad 5 key |
NUMPAD6 | Numeric keypad 6 key |
NUMPAD7 | Numeric keypad 7 key |
NUMPAD8 | Numeric keypad 8 key |
NUMPAD9 | Numeric keypad 9 key |
MULTIPLY | Multiply key |
ADD | Add key |
SEPARATOR | Separator key |
SUBTRACT | Subtract key |
DECIMAL | Decimal key |
DIVIDE | Divide key |
F1 | F1 key |
F2 | F2 key |
F3 | F3 key |
F4 | F4 key |
F5 | F5 key |
F6 | F6 key |
F7 | F7 key |
F8 | F8 key |
F9 | F9 key |
F10 | F10 key |
F11 | F11 key |
F12 | F12 key |
F13 | F13 key |
F14 | F14 key |
F15 | F15 key |
F16 | F16 key |
F17 | F17 key |
F18 | F18 key |
F19 | F19 key |
F20 | F20 key |
F21 | F21 key |
F22 | F22 key |
F23 | F23 key |
F24 | F24 key |
LSHIFT | Left SHIFT key |
RSHIFT | Right SHIFT key |
LCTRL | Left CONTROL key |
RCTRL | Right CONTROL key |
LALT | Left MENU key |
RALT | Right MENU key |
BROWSER_BACK | Browser Back key |
BROWSER_FORWARD | Browser Forward key |
BROWSER_REFRESH | Browser Refresh key |
BROWSER_STOP | Browser Stop key |
BROWSER_SEARCH | Browser Search key |
BROWSER_FAVORITES | Browser Favorites key |
BROWSER_HOME | Browser Start and Home key |
VOLUME_MUTE | Volume Mute key |
VOLUME_DOWN | Volume Down key |
VOLUME_UP | Volume Up key |
MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK | Next Track key |
MEDIA_PREV_TRACK | Previous Track key |
MEDIA_STOP | Stop Media key |
MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE | Play/Pause Media key |
LAUNCH_MAIL | Start Mail key |
LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT | Select Media key |
LAUNCH_APP1 | Start Application 1 key |
LAUNCH_APP2 | Start Application 2 key |
OEM_1 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key |
OEM_PLUS | For any country/region, the '+' key |
OEM_COMMA | For any country/region, the ',' key |
OEM_MINUS | For any country/region, the '-' key |
OEM_PERIOD | For any country/region, the '.' key |
OEM_2 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_3 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_4 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_5 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_6 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_7 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_8 | Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. |
OEM_102 | Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard |
PACKET | Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods. For more information, see Remark in KEYBDINPUT, SendInput, WM_KEYDOWN, and WM_KeyUp |
ATTN | Attn key |
CRSEL | CrSel key |
EXSEL | ExSel key |
EREOF | Erase EOF key |
PLAY | Play key |
ZOOM | Zoom key |
NONAME | Reserved |
PA1 | PA1 key |
OEM_CLEAR | Clear key |
lib = Windows() # {Ctrl}, {Delete} ... are special keys' name in SpecialKeyNames. lib.send_keys('{Ctrl}a{Delete}{Ctrl}v{Ctrl}s{Ctrl}{Shift}s{Win}e{PageDown}') #press Ctrl+a, Delete, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+Shift+s, Win+e, PageDown lib.send_keys('{Ctrl}(AB)({Shift}(123))') #press Ctrl+A+B, type '(', press Shift+1+2+3, type ')', if '()' follows a hold key, hold key won't release util ')' lib.send_keys('{Ctrl}{a 3}') #press Ctrl+a at the same time, release Ctrl+a, then type 'a' 2 times lib.send_keys('{a 3}{B 5}') #type 'a' 3 times, type 'B' 5 times lib.send_keys('{{}Hello{}}abc {a}{b}{c} test{} 3}{!}{a} (){(}{)}') #type: '{Hello}abc abc test}}}!a ()()' lib.send_keys('0123456789{Enter}') lib.send_keys('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{Enter}') lib.send_keys('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{Enter}') lib.send_keys('`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+{Enter}') lib.send_keys('[]{{}{}}\|;:'",<.>/?{Enter}')
Using access key of the element (element property -> AccessKey 'alt+s'). The (+s) means that previous special key is kept down until closing parenthesis is reached.
On the below example this means that 'ALT' key is pressed down, then '+' and 's' keys are pressed down before they are all released up.
Send Keys keys={Alt}(+s)
Mouse clicks can be executed with keywords specific for a type of a click, e.g. Click (normal click), Double Click and Right Click.
How to inspect
Most common, and recommended by Microsoft, inspector tool for Windows is Accessibility Insights that can be installed separately. Other options are tools Inspect Object and UI Automation Verify, which can be accessed by installing Windows SDK.
A more programmatic approach is to run Print Tree log_as_warnings=${True} keyword and then observe in the logs the found elements structure starting from Desktop (or the currently set anchor / active window) as root. (refer to keyword's documentation for more details)
The package provides some rudimentary inspecting and recording via the windows-record script, which can be started through the command line (in an environment containing the rpaframework-windows installation).
Recording inspects elements on mouse click and can be stopped by pressing the ESC key. Expected console output:
C:\Users\User\robots\> windows-record -v # or > python -m RPA.Windows -v Mouse recording started. Use ESC to stop recording. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy-paste the code below into your *** Tasks *** or *** Keywords *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Window name:Calculator and type:WindowControl and class:ApplicationFrameWindow # handle:9569486 Click name:Calculator and id:TitleBar and type:WindowControl and class:ApplicationFrameTitleBarWindow and path:1 Click name:"Display is 0" and id:CalculatorResults and type:TextControl and path:2|3|2|2 Click name:Eight and id:num8Button and type:ButtonControl and class:Button and path:2|3|2|8|9 Click name:Nine and id:num9Button and type:ButtonControl and class:Button and path:2|3|2|8|10 Click name:Clear and id:clearButton and type:ButtonControl and class:Button and path:2|3|2|5|3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check our Portal example in order to learn more abot the path: strategy in locators and how to record elements displaying their paths:
Video recorded demo on how to run the recorder script from VSCode:
Example: Robot Framework
The library must be imported first.
*** Settings *** Library RPA.Windows
Windows Calculator automation task
*** Tasks *** Do some calculations [Setup] Windows Run calc.exe Control Window name:Calculator Click id:clearButton Send Keys keys=96+4= ${result} = Get Attribute id:CalculatorResults Name Log To Console ${result} @{buttons} = Get Elements type:Group and name:"Number pad" > type:Button FOR ${button} IN @{buttons} Log To Console ${button} END [Teardown] Close Current Window
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows library = Windows() def test_do_some_calculations(): library.windows_run("calc.exe") try: library.control_window("name:Calculator")"id:clearButton") library.send_keys(keys="96+4=") result = library.get_attribute("id:CalculatorResults", "Name") print(result) buttons = library.get_elements( 'type:Group and name:"Number pad" > type:Button' ) for button in buttons: print(button) finally: library.close_current_window()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Clears control anchor set by Set Anchor
This means that all following keywords accessing elements will use active window or desktop as root element.
Mouse click on element matching given locator.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow Click action.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
wait_time: | time to wait after click, default is a library wait_time, see keyword Set Wait Time |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | WindowsElement object |
Click id:button1 Click id:button2 offset:10,10 ${element}= Click name:SendButton wait_time=5.0
Closes current active window or logs a warning message.
return: | True if close was successful, False if not |
${status}= Close Current Window
Closes identified windows or logs the problems.
locator: | String locator or Control element. |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | How many windows were found and closed. |
${closed_count} = Close Window Calculator
Get control of child window of the active window by locator.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
foreground: | True to bring window to foreground |
wait_time: | time to wait after activeting a window |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | WindowsElement object |
Control Window subname:"Sage 50" type:Window # actions on the main application window # ... # get control of child window of Sage application Control Child Window subname:"Test Company" depth:1
Controls the window defined by the locator.
This means that this window is used as a root element for all the following keywords using locators.
Returns WindowsElement.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
foreground: | True to bring window to foreground |
wait_time: | time to wait after activating a window |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
main: | on True (default) starts the search from desktop level, on False it will continue to search for child elements given the set anchor or current active window |
return: | WindowsElement object |
Control Window Calculator Control Window name:Calculator Control Window subname:Notepad Control Window regex:.*Notepad ${window}= Control Window executable:Spotify.exe
Disables process iteration in List Windows keyword.
Double mouse click on element matching given locator.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow Click action.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
wait_time: | time to wait after click, default is a library wait_time, see keyword Set Wait Time |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${element}= Double Click name:ResetButton
Drag and drop the source element into target element.
source: | source element for the operation |
target: | target element for the operation |
speed: | adjust speed of operation, bigger value means more speed |
copy: | on True does copy drag and drop, defaults to move |
wait_time: | time to wait after drop, default 1.0 seconds |
# copying a file, report.html, from source (File Explorer) window # into a target (File Explorer) Window # locator Drag And Drop ... name:C:\temp type:Windows > name:report.html type:ListItem ... name:%{USERPROFILE}\Documents\artifacts type:Windows > name:"Items View" ... copy=True
# moving *.txt files into subfolder within one (File Explorer) window ${source_dir}= Set Variable %{USERPROFILE}\Documents\test Control Window name:${source_dir} ${files}= Find Files ${source_dir}${/}*.txt # first copy files to folder2 FOR ${file} IN @{files} Drag And Drop name:${} name:folder2 type:ListItem copy=True END # second move files to folder1 FOR ${file} IN @{files} Drag And Drop name:${} name:folder1 type:ListItem END
Enables process iteration in List Windows keyword.
Bring the current active window or the window defined by the locator to the foreground.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${window}= Foreground Window Calculator
Get attribute value of the element defined by the locator.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
attribute: | name of the attribute to get |
return: | value of attribute |
${id}= Get Attribute type:Edit name:firstname AutomationId
Get a Control Windows element defined by the locator.
The returned element can be used instead of a locator string for other keywords accepting the locator parameter. Keyword Get Attribute can be used to read element attribute values.
If locator is None, then the returned element will be in this priority:
- root_element if provided.
- Anchor element if that has been previously set with Set Anchor.
- Current active window if that has been set with Control Window.
- Last resort is the "Desktop" element.
locator: | Locator as a string or as an element object. |
search_depth: | How deep the element search will traverse. (default 8) |
root_element: | Will be used as search root element object if provided. |
timeout: | After how many seconds (float) to give up on search. (see keyword Set Global Timeout) |
returns: | The identified WindowsElement object. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Set Text Into Notepad Window Windows Run Notepad Control Window subname:Notepad ${element} = Get Element regex:"Text (E|e)ditor" Set Value ${element} note to myself
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib = Windows() lib.windows_run("calc.exe") one_btn = lib.get_element("Calculator > path:2|3|2|8|2") lib.close_window("Calculator")
Get a list of elements matching the locator.
By default, only the siblings (similar elements on the same level) are taken into account. In order to search globally, turn siblings_only off, but be aware that this will take more time to process.
Note that if the syntax parent_locator > child_locator is used in the locator, it is assumed that parent_locator returns a singular element - i.e. if the locator parent_locator returns multiple elements, only the first result is used for further processing, even if siblings_only is off.
For more details on the rest of parameters, take a look at the Get Element keyword.
locator: | Locator as a string or as an element object. |
search_depth: | How deep the element search will traverse. (default 8) |
root_element: | Will be used as search root element object if provided. |
timeout: | After how many seconds (float) to give up on search. (see keyword Set Global Timeout) |
siblings_only: | Filter for elements on the same level as the initially found one. Turn it off for a global search. (True by default) |
returns: | A list of matching WindowsElement objects. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Get Headers On Same Level Set Anchor id:DataGrid @{elements} = Get Elements type:HeaderItem FOR ${element} IN @{elements} Log To Console ${} END Get All Calculator Buttons Matching Expression Windows Run Calc Control Window subname:Calc @{buttons} = Get Elements class:Button regex:.*o.* ... siblings_only=${False} Log List ${buttons} ${length} = Get Length ${buttons} Log To Console Number of buttons: ${length}
Get text from Control element defined by the locator.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow GetWindowText action.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
return: | value of WindowText attribute of an element |
${date} = Get Text type:Edit name:"Date of birth"
Get the value of the element defined by the provided locator.
The ActionNotPossible exception is raised if the identified element doesn't support value retrieval.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
returns: | Optionally the value of the identified element. |
Example: Robot Framework
${value} = Get Value type:DataItem name:column1
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib_win = Windows() text = lib_win.get_value("Rich Text Window") print(text)
Get the selection state of the element defined by the provided locator.
The ActionNotPossible exception is raised if the identified element doesn't support selection item retrieval.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
returns: | Optionally the selection state of the identified element, as a boolean. |
Example: Robot Framework
${value} = Is Selected type:RadioButtonControl name:Apple
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib_win = Windows() value = lib_win.is_selected("type:RadioButtonControl name:Apple") print(value)
List all element attributes.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
return: | list of element attributes (strings) |
List all window element on the system.
icons: | on True dictionary will contain Base64 string of the icon, default False |
icon_save_directory: | |
if set will save retrieved icons into this filepath, by default icon files are not saved | |
return: | list of dictionaries containing information about Window elements |
${windows}= List Windows FOR ${window} IN @{windows} Log Window title:${window}[title] Log Window process name:${window}[name] Log Window process id:${window}[pid] Log Window process handle:${window}[handle] END
Maximize the current active window or the window defined by the locator.
locator: | string locator or element |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${window} = Maximize Window # Current active window Maximize Window executable:Spotify.exe
Right mouse click on element matching given locator.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow Click action.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
wait_time: | time to wait after click, default is a library wait_time, see keyword Set Wait Time |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${element}= Middle Click name:button2
Minimize the current active window or the window defined by the locator.
locator: | string locator or element |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${window} = Minimize Window # Current active window Minimize Window executable:Spotify.exe
Print a tree of control elements.
A Windows application structure can contain multilevel element structure. Understanding this structure is crucial for creating locators. (based on controls' details and their parent-child relationship)
This keyword can be used to output logs of application's element structure, starting with the element defined by the provided locator as root. Switch the return_structure parameter to True to get a tree of elements returned as well. (off by default to save memory)
Portal example:
locator: | The root of the tree to output. |
max_depth: | Maximum depth level. (defaults to 8) |
capture_image_folder: | |
If set, controls' images will be captured in this path. | |
log_as_warnings: | |
Enables highlighted logs (at the beginning of the log file as warnings) and increases visibility in the output console. | |
return_structure: | |
A flattened tree with all the elements collated by level will be returned if this is enabled. | |
returns: | Optionally a dictionary of children per depth level when return_structure is enabled. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Display Element Structure ${tree} = Print Tree Calculator > path:2|3|2|8 ... return_structure=${True} Log To Console ${tree}
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib = Windows() tree = lib.print_tree("Calculator > path:2|3|2|8", return_structure=True) print(tree)
Window restore the current active window or the window defined by the locator.
locator: | string locator or element |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${window} = Restore Window # Current active window Restore Window executable:Spotify.exe
Right mouse click on element matching given locator.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow Click action.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
wait_time: | time to wait after click, default is a library wait_time, see keyword Set Wait Time |
timeout: | float value in seconds, see keyword Set Global Timeout |
return: | WindowsElement object |
${element}= Right Click name:MenuButton
Take a screenshot of the element defined by the locator.
An ActionNotPossible exception is raised if the element doesn't allow being captured.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
filename: | Image file name/path. (can be absolute/relative) |
raises ActionNotPossible: | |
When the element can't be captured. | |
returns: | Absolute file path of the taken screenshot image. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Take Screenshots Screenshot desktop desktop.png Screenshot subname:Notepad ${OUTPUT_DIR}${/}notepad.png
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib = Windows() def take_screenshots(): lib.screenshot("desktop", "desktop.png") lib.screenshot("subname:Notepad", "output/notepad.png")
Select a value on the passed element if such action is supported.
The ActionNotPossible exception is raised when the element does not allow the Select action. This is usually used with combo box elements.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
value: | String value to select on Control element |
returns: | The controlled Windows element. |
Example: Robot Framework
* Settings * Library RPA.Windows
* Tasks * Set Notepad Size
Select id:FontSizeComboBox 22
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib = Windows() def set_notepad_size():"id:FontSizeComboBox", "22")
Send keys to desktop, current window or to Control element defined by given locator.
If locator is None then keys are sent to desktop.
Exception ActionNotPossible is raised if element does not allow SendKeys action.
locator: | Optional string locator or element object. |
keys: | The keys to send. |
interval: | Time between each sent key. (defaults to 0.01 seconds) |
wait_time: | Time to wait after sending all the keys. (defaults to library's set value, see keyword Set Wait Time) |
send_enter: | If True then the {Enter} key is pressed at the end of the sent keys. |
returns: | The element identified through locator. |
Send Keys desktop {Ctrl}{F4} Send Keys keys={Ctrl}{F4} # locator will be NONE, keys sent to desktop Send Keys id:input5 username send_enter=${True} ${element}= Get Element id:pass Send Keys ${element} password send_enter=${True}
Set anchor to an element specified by the locator.
All following keywords using locators will use this element as a root element. Specific use case could be setting anchor to TableControl element and then getting column data belonging to that TableControl element.
To release anchor call Clear Anchor keyword.
locator: | string locator or Control element |
timeout: | timeout in seconds for element lookup (default 10.0) |
Set Anchor type:Table name:Orders depth:16 FOR ${row} IN RANGE 200 ${number}= Get Value name:number row ${row} Exit For Loop If $number == ${EMPTY} ${sum}= Get Value name:sum row ${row} Log Order number:${number} has sum:{sum} END Clear Anchor
Set view focus to the element defined by the locator.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
Set Focus name:Buy type:Button
Set global timeout for element search. Applies also to Control Window keyword.
By default, the library has a timeout of 10 seconds.
timeout: | float value in seconds |
return: | previous timeout value |
${old_timeout}= Set Global Timeout 20 ${old_timeout}= Set Global Timeout 9.5
Enable or disable mouse movement simulation during clicks and other actions.
Returns the previous set value as True/False.
simulate: | Decide whether to simulate the move. (OFF by default) |
returns: | Previous state. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Disable Mouse Move ${previous} = Set Mouse Movement ${True} Log To Console Previous mouse simulation: ${previous} (now enabled)
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib_win = Windows() previous = lib_win.set_mouse_movement(True) print(f"Previous mouse simulation: {previous} (now enabled)")
Set value of the element defined by the locator.
Note: An anchor will work only on element structures where you can rely on the stability of that root/child element tree, as remaining the same. Usually these kind of structures are tables. (but not restricted to)
Note: It is important to set append=${True} if you want to keep the current text in the element. Other option is to read the current text into a variable, then modify that value as you wish and pass it to the Set Value keyword for a complete text replacement. (without setting the append flag)
The following exceptions may be raised:
- ActionNotPossible if the element does not allow the SetValue action to be run on it nor having send_keys_fallback=${True}.
- ValueError if the new value to be set can't be set correctly.
locator: | String locator or element object. |
value: | String value to be set. |
append: | False for setting the value, True for appending it. (OFF by default) |
enter: | Set it to True to press the Enter key at the end of the input. (nothing is pressed by default) |
newline: | Set it to True to add a new line at the end of the value. (no EOL included by default; this won't work with send_keys_fallback enabled) |
send_keys_fallback: | |
Tries to set the value by sending it through keys if the main way of setting it fails. (enabled by default) | |
validator: | Function receiving two parameters post-setting, the expected and the current value, which returns True if the two values match. (by default, the keyword will raise if the values are different, set this to None to disable validation or pass your custom function instead) |
returns: | The element object identified through the passed locator. |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Set Values In Notepad Set Value type:DataItem name:column1 ab c # Set value to "ab c" # Press ENTER after setting the value. Set Value type:Edit name:"File name:" console.txt enter=${True} # Add newline (manually) at the end of the string. (Notepad example) Set Value name:"Text Editor" abc\n # Add newline with parameter. Set Value name:"Text Editor" abc newline=${True} # Clear Notepad window and start appending text. Set Anchor name:"Text Editor" # All the following keyword calls will use the anchor element as a # starting point, UNLESS they specify a locator explicitly or # Clear Anchor is used. ${time} = Get Time # Clears with append=${False}. (default) Set Value value=The time now is ${time} # Append text and add a newline at the end. Set Value value= and it's the task run time. append=${True} ... newline=${True} # Continue appending and ensure a new line at the end by pressing # the Enter key this time. Set Value value=But this will appear on the 2nd line now. ... append=${True} enter=${True} validator=${None}
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib_win = Windows() locator = "Document - WordPad > Rich Text Window" elem = lib_win.set_value(locator, value="My text", send_keys_fallback=True) text = lib_win.get_value(elem) print(text)
Set library wait time for action keywords.
The wait_time is spent after each keyword performing mouse or keyboard action.
Library default wait_time is 0.5
Returns value of the previous wait_time value.
wait_time: | float value (in seconds), e.g. 0.1 |
return: | previous wait value |
${old_wait_time}= Set Wait Time 0.2
Use Windows Run window to launch an application.
Activated by pressing Win + R. Then the app name is typed in and finally the "Enter" key is pressed.
text: | Text to enter into the Run input field. (e.g. Notepad) |
wait_time: | Time to sleep after the searched app is executed. (3s by default) |
Example: Robot Framework
*** Tasks *** Run Notepad Windows Run notepad
Example: Python
from RPA.Windows import Windows lib = Windows() def run_notepad(): lib.windows_run("notepad")
Use Windows search window to launch application.
Activated by pressing win + s.
text: | text to enter into search input field |
wait_time: | sleep time after search has been entered (default 3.0 seconds) |
Windows Search Outlook