Python API


class RPA.HTTP.HTTP(*args, **kwargs)

The RPA.HTTP library extends functionality of the RequestsLibrary. See that documentation for several examples of how to issue GET requests and utilize the returned result objects.

This extension provides helper keywords to get an HTTP resource on a session. The HTTP Get and Download keywords will initiate a session if one does not exist for the provided URL, or use an existing session. When using these keywords, you do not need to manage sessions with Create Session. Session management is still required if you use the underlying session keywords, e.g., * On Session.

check_vulnerabilities() List

Check for possible vulnerabilities in the installed runtime environment packages.

Currently will check only for OpenSSL version and outputs warning message on any discovered vulnerability.


list of all check results

*** Tasks ***
Vulnerability Check
    ${results}=    Check Vulnerabilities
    FOR    ${result}    IN    @{results}
        Log To Console    TYPE: ${result}[type]
        Log To Console    VULNERABLE: ${result}[vulnerable]
        Log To Console    MESSAGE: ${result}[message]
create_client_cert_session(alias, url, headers={}, cookies={}, client_certs=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.1, disable_warnings=0, retry_status_list=[], retry_method_list=['HEAD', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'TRACE'])

Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

url Base url of the server

alias Robot Framework alias to identify the session

headers Dictionary of default headers

cookies Dictionary of cookies

client_certs [‘client certificate’, ‘client key’] PEM files containing the client key and certificate

timeout Connection timeout

proxies Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy

(e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’})

verify Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

Defaults to False.

debug Enable http verbosity option more information

max_retries Number of maximum retries each connection should attempt.

By default it will retry 3 times in case of connection errors only. A 0 value will disable any kind of retries regardless of other retry settings. In case the number of retries is reached a retry exception is raised.

disable_warnings Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases

backoff_factor Introduces a delay time between retries that is longer after each retry.

eg. if backoff_factor is set to 0.1 the sleep between attemps will be: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 More info here:

retry_method_list List of uppercased HTTP method verbs where retries are allowed.

By default retries are allowed only on HTTP requests methods that are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). eg. set to [‘POST’, ‘GET’] to retry only those kind of requests.

retry_status_list List of integer HTTP status codes that, if returned, a retry is attempted.

eg. set to [502, 503] to retry requests if those status are returned. Note that max_retries must be greater than 0.

create_custom_session(alias, url, auth, headers={}, cookies={}, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.1, disable_warnings=0, retry_status_list=[], retry_method_list=['HEAD', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'TRACE'])

Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

url Base url of the server

alias Robot Framework alias to identify the session

headers Dictionary of default headers

cookies Dictionary of cookies

auth A Custom Authentication object to be passed on to the requests library.

timeout Connection timeout

proxies Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy

(e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’})

verify Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

Defaults to False.

debug Enable http verbosity option more information

max_retries Number of maximum retries each connection should attempt.

By default it will retry 3 times in case of connection errors only. A 0 value will disable any kind of retries regardless of other retry settings. In case the number of retries is reached a retry exception is raised.

disable_warnings Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases

backoff_factor Introduces a delay time between retries that is longer after each retry.

eg. if backoff_factor is set to 0.1 the sleep between attemps will be: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 More info here:

retry_method_list List of uppercased HTTP method verbs where retries are allowed.

By default retries are allowed only on HTTP requests methods that are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). eg. set to [‘POST’, ‘GET’] to retry only those kind of requests.

retry_status_list List of integer HTTP status codes that, if returned, a retry is attempted.

eg. set to [502, 503] to retry requests if those status are returned. Note that max_retries must be greater than 0.

create_digest_session(alias, url, auth, headers={}, cookies={}, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.1, disable_warnings=0, retry_status_list=[], retry_method_list=['HEAD', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'TRACE'])

Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

url Base url of the server

alias Robot Framework alias to identify the session

headers Dictionary of default headers

cookies Dictionary of cookies

auth [‘DOMAIN’, ‘username’, ‘password’] for NTLM Authentication

timeout Connection timeout

proxies Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy

(e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’})

verify Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

Defaults to False.

debug Enable http verbosity option more information

max_retries Number of maximum retries each connection should attempt.

By default it will retry 3 times in case of connection errors only. A 0 value will disable any kind of retries regardless of other retry settings. In case the number of retries is reached a retry exception is raised.

disable_warnings Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases

backoff_factor Introduces a delay time between retries that is longer after each retry.

eg. if backoff_factor is set to 0.1 the sleep between attemps will be: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 More info here:

retry_method_list List of uppercased HTTP method verbs where retries are allowed.

By default retries are allowed only on HTTP requests methods that are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). eg. set to [‘POST’, ‘GET’] to retry only those kind of requests.

retry_status_list List of integer HTTP status codes that, if returned, a retry is attempted.

eg. set to [502, 503] to retry requests if those status are returned. Note that max_retries must be greater than 0.

create_ntlm_session(alias, url, auth, headers={}, cookies={}, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.1, disable_warnings=0, retry_status_list=[], retry_method_list=['HEAD', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'TRACE'])

Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

url Base url of the server

alias Robot Framework alias to identify the session

headers Dictionary of default headers

cookies Dictionary of cookies

auth [‘DOMAIN’, ‘username’, ‘password’] for NTLM Authentication

timeout Connection timeout

proxies Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy

(e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’})

verify Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

Defaults to False.

debug Enable http verbosity option more information

max_retries Number of maximum retries each connection should attempt.

By default it will retry 3 times in case of connection errors only. A 0 value will disable any kind of retries regardless of other retry settings. In case the number of retries is reached a retry exception is raised.

disable_warnings Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases

backoff_factor Introduces a delay time between retries that is longer after each retry.

eg. if backoff_factor is set to 0.1 the sleep between attemps will be: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 More info here:

retry_method_list List of uppercased HTTP method verbs where retries are allowed.

By default retries are allowed only on HTTP requests methods that are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). eg. set to [‘POST’, ‘GET’] to retry only those kind of requests.

retry_status_list List of integer HTTP status codes that, if returned, a retry is attempted.

eg. set to [502, 503] to retry requests if those status are returned. Note that max_retries must be greater than 0.

create_session(alias, url, headers={}, cookies={}, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.1, disable_warnings=0, retry_status_list=[], retry_method_list=['HEAD', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'TRACE'])

Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

alias Robot Framework alias to identify the session

url Base url of the server

headers Dictionary of default headers

cookies Dictionary of cookies

auth List of username & password for HTTP Basic Auth

timeout Connection timeout

proxies Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy

(e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’})

verify Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

debug Enable http verbosity option more information

max_retries Number of maximum retries each connection should attempt.

By default it will retry 3 times in case of connection errors only. A 0 value will disable any kind of retries regardless of other retry settings. In case the number of retries is reached a retry exception is raised.

disable_warnings Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases

backoff_factor Introduces a delay time between retries that is longer after each retry.

eg. if backoff_factor is set to 0.1 the sleep between attemps will be: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 More info here:

retry_method_list List of uppercased HTTP method verbs where retries are allowed.

By default retries are allowed only on HTTP requests methods that are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). eg. set to [‘POST’, ‘GET’] to retry only those kind of requests.

retry_status_list List of integer HTTP status codes that, if returned, a retry is attempted.

eg. set to [502, 503] to retry requests if those status are returned. Note that max_retries must be greater than 0.


Removes all the session objects


Sends a DELETE request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

delete_request(alias, uri, data=None, json=None, params=None, headers=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use DELETE On Session instead.

Send a DELETE request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the DELETE request to

json a value that will be json encoded

and sent as request data if data is not specified

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

timeout connection timeout

download(url: str, target_file: str | None = None, verify: bool | str = True, force_new_session: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, stream: bool = False, **kwargs) dict

An alias for the HTTP Get keyword.

The difference in use is that the URL is always downloaded based on the URL path (even without target_file). If there is a filename in the path, then that is used as target_file to save to. By default, the filename will be “downloaded.html”.

*** Settings ***
Library    RPA.HTTP

*** Variables ***
${DOWNLOAD_PATH}=   ${OUTPUT DIR}${/}downloads

*** Tasks ***
Download files with reused session with provided file names
    # Starts a new session
    Download    ${WORD_EXAMPLE}    target_file=${DOWNLOAD_PATH}
    # Uses the previous session
    Download    ${EXCEL_EXAMPLE}    target_file=${DOWNLOAD_PATH}
    # Above files are downloaded using the same names as they have
    # on the remote server.
  • url – target URL for GET request

  • target_file – filepath to save request content, default None

  • verify – if SSL verification should be done, default True, a CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided

  • force_new_session – if new HTTP session should be created, default False

  • overwrite – used together with target_file, if True will overwrite the target file, default False

  • stream – if False the response content will be immediately downloaded


request response as a dict

get_current_session_alias() str

Get request session alias that was used with the HTTP Get keyword.


name of session alias as a string

static get_file_for_streaming_upload(path)

Opens and returns a file descriptor of a specified file to be passed as data parameter to other requests keywords.

This allows streaming upload of large files without reading them into memory.

File descriptor is binary mode and read only. Requests keywords will automatically close the file, if used outside this library it’s up to the caller to close it.


Sends a GET request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to retrieve the resource is the url, while query string parameters can be passed as string, dictionary (or list of tuples or bytes) through the params.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

get_request(alias, uri, headers=None, data=None, json=None, params=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use GET On Session instead.

Send a GET request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the GET request to

params url parameters to append to the uri

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

data a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded

and sent as GET data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content

json a value that will be json encoded

and sent as GET data if data is not specified

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

timeout connection timeout


Sends a HEAD request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to retrieve the HTTP headers is the url.

allow_redirects parameter is not provided, it will be set to False (as opposed to the default behavior).

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

head_request(alias, uri, headers=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use HEAD On Session instead.

Send a HEAD request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the HEAD request to

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

timeout connection timeout

http_get(url: str, target_file: str | None = None, verify: bool | str = True, force_new_session: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, stream: bool = False, **kwargs) dict

A helper method for Get Request that will create a session, perform GET request, and store the target file, if set by the target_file parameter.

The old session will be used if the URL scheme and the host are the same as previously, e.g., ‘’ part of the URL.

*** Settings ***
Library    RPA.HTTP

*** Variables ***
${DOWNLOAD_PATH}=   ${OUTPUT DIR}${/}downloads

*** Tasks ***
Download files with reused session
    # Starts a new session
    HTTP Get    ${WORD_EXAMPLE}    target_file=${DOWNLOAD_PATH}${/}word-example.doc
    # Uses the previous session
    HTTP Get    ${EXCEL_EXAMPLE}    target_file=${DOWNLOAD_PATH}${/}excel-example.xls
  • url – target URL for GET request

  • target_file – filepath to save request content, default None

  • verify – if SSL verification should be done, default True, a CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided

  • force_new_session – if new HTTP session should be created, default False

  • overwrite – used together with target_file, if True will overwrite the target file, default False

  • stream – if False, the response content will be immediately downloaded


request response as a dict


Sends a OPTIONS request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to retrieve the resource is the url.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

options_request(alias, uri, headers=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use OPTIONS On Session instead.

Send an OPTIONS request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the OPTIONS request to

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

timeout connection timeout


Sends a PATCH request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

patch_request(alias, uri, data=None, json=None, params=None, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use PATCH On Session instead.

Send a PATCH request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the PATCH request to

data a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded

and sent as PATCH data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content or file descriptor retrieved by Get File For Streaming Upload

json a value that will be json encoded

and sent as PATCH data if data is not specified

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

files a dictionary of file names containing file data to PATCH to the server

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

params url parameters to append to the uri

timeout connection timeout


Sends a POST request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

post_request(alias, uri, data=None, json=None, params=None, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use POST On Session instead.

Send a POST request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the POST request to

data a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded

and sent as POST data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content or passed as such for multipart form data if files is also defined or file descriptor retrieved by Get File For Streaming Upload

json a value that will be json encoded

and sent as POST data if files or data is not specified

params url parameters to append to the uri

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

files a dictionary of file names containing file data to POST to the server

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

timeout connection timeout


Sends a PUT request on a previously created HTTP Session.

Session will be identified using the alias name. The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

put_request(alias, uri, data=None, json=None, params=None, files=None, headers=None, allow_redirects=None, timeout=None)

DEPRECATED Please use PUT On Session instead.

Send a PUT request on the session object found using the given alias

alias that will be used to identify the Session object in the cache

uri to send the PUT request to

data a dictionary of key-value pairs that will be urlencoded

and sent as PUT data or binary data that is sent as the raw body content or file descriptor retrieved by Get File For Streaming Upload

json a value that will be json encoded

and sent as PUT data if data is not specified

headers a dictionary of headers to use with the request

allow_redirects Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.

params url parameters to append to the uri

timeout connection timeout


Fails if response status code is a client or server error (4xx, 5xx).

response is the output of other requests keywords like GET On Session. If omitted the last response will be used.

In case of failure an HTTPError will be automatically raised.

For a more versatile assert keyword see Status Should Be.


Return True if the session has been already created

alias that has been used to identify the Session object in the cache


Sends a DELETE request.

The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.


Sends a GET request.

The endpoint used to retrieve the resource is the url, while query string parameters can be passed as string, dictionary (or list of tuples or bytes) through the params.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs here is a list:

data | Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request. |
json | A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the request. |
headers | Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the request. |
cookies | Dict or CookieJar object to send with the request. |
files | Dictionary of file-like-objects (or {'name': file-tuple}) for multipart encoding upload. |
file-tuple | can be a 2-tuple ('filename', fileobj), 3-tuple ('filename', fileobj, 'content_type') or a 4-tuple ('filename', fileobj, 'content_type', custom_headers), where 'content-type' is a string defining the content type of the given file and custom_headers a dict-like object containing additional headers to add for the file. |
auth | Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. |
timeout | How many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple. |
allow_redirects | Boolean. Enable/disable GET/OPTIONS/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/HEAD redirection. Defaults to ${True}. |
proxies | Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy (e.g. {‘http’: ‘’, ‘’: ‘’}) |
verify | Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to ${True}. Warning: if a session has been created with verify=${False} any other requests will not verify the SSL certificate. |
stream | if ${False}, the response content will be immediately downloaded. |
cert | if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, (‘cert’, ‘key’) pair. |

For more updated and complete information verify the official Requests api documentation:


Sends a HEAD request.

The endpoint used to retrieve the HTTP headers is the url.

allow_redirects parameter is not provided, it will be set to False (as opposed to the default behavior).

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.


Sends a OPTIONS request.

The endpoint used to retrieve the resource is the url.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.


Sends a PUT request.

The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.


Sends a POST request.

The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.


Sends a PUT request.

The endpoint used to send the request is the url parameter, while its body can be passed using data or json parameters.

data can be a dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. If you want to pass a json body pass a dictionary as json parameter.

By default this keyword fails if a status code with error values is returned in the response, this behavior can be modified using the expected_status and msg parameters, read more about it in Status Should Be keyword documentation. In order to disable this implicit assert mechanism you can pass as expected_status the values any or anything.

Other optional requests arguments can be passed using **kwargs see the GET keyword for the complete list.

status_should_be(expected_status, response=None, msg=None)

Fails if response status code is different than the expected.

expected_status could be the code number as an integer or as string. But it could also be a named status code like ‘ok’, ‘created’, ‘accepted’ or ‘bad request’, ‘not found’ etc.

response is the output of other requests keywords like GET or GET On Session. If omitted the last response will be used.

In case of failure an HTTPError will be automatically raised. A custom failure message msg can be added like in built-in keywords.

New requests keywords like GET or GET On Session (starting from 0.8 version) already have an implicit assert mechanism that, by default, verifies the response status code. Status Should Be keyword can be useful when you disable implicit assert using expected_status=anything.

For example when you have a nested keyword that is used for both OK and ERROR responses:

* Test Cases *

Test Get Request And Make Sure Is A 404 Response
${resp}= GET Custom Keyword That Returns OK or ERROR Response case=notfound
Status Should Be 404 ${resp}
Should Be Equal As Strings NOT FOUND ${resp.reason}

Test Get Request And Make Sure Is OK
${resp}= GET Custom Keyword That Returns OK or ERROR Response case=pass
Status Should Be 200 ${resp}
Should Be Equal As Strings OK ${resp.reason}

* Keywords *

GET Custom Keyword That Returns OK or ERROR Response
[Arguments] $case
IF $case == notfound
$resp= GET […] expected_status=Anything
[Return] $resp
to_json(content, pretty_print=False)

DEPRECATED Please use ${resp.json()} instead. Have a look at the improved HTML output as pretty printing replacement.

Convert a string to a JSON object

content String content to convert into JSON

pretty_print If defined, will output JSON is pretty print format

update_session(alias, headers=None, cookies=None)

Updates HTTP Session Headers and Cookies.

Session will be identified using the alias name. Dictionary of headers and cookies to be updated and merged into session data.