Python API
- class RPA.Images.Images
Images is a library for general image manipulation. For image-based desktop automation, use the
The coordinates used in the library are pairs of x and y values that represent pixels. The upper left corner of the image or screen is (0, 0). The x-coordinate increases towards the right, and the y-coordinate increases towards the bottom.
Regions are represented as tuples of (left, top, right, bottom). For example, a 400 by 200-pixel region in the upper left corner would be (0, 0, 400, 200).
Template matching
Template matching refers to an operation where the (potential) location of a smaller image is searched from a larger image. It can be used for verifying certain conditions or locating UI elements for desktop or web automation.
The default installation depends on Pillow library, which is used for general image manipulation operations.
For more robust and faster template matching, the library can use a combination of NumPy and OpenCV. They can be installed by opting in to the recognition dependency:
pip install rpaframework rpaframework-recognition
Robot Framework
The Images library can be imported and used directly in Robot Framework, for instance, for capturing screenshots or verifying something on the screen.
Desktop automation based on images should be done using the corresponding desktop library, i.e.
.*** Settings *** Library RPA.Images *** Keywords *** Should show success [Documentation] Raises ImageNotFoundError if success image is not on screen Find template on screen ${CURDIR}${/}success.png Save screenshot to results [Documentation] Saves screenshot of desktop with unique name ${timestamp}= Get current date result_format=%H%M%S Take screenshot filename=${OUTPUT_DIR}${/}desktop_${timestamp}.png
from RPA.Images import Images def draw_matches_on_image(source, template): matches = lib.find_template_in_image(source, template) for match in matches: lib.show_region_in_image(source, match)"matches.png")
- crop_image(image, region, filename=None) None
Crop an existing image.
- Parameters:
image – Image to crop
region – Region to crop image to
filename – Save cropped image to filename
- find_template_in_image(image, template, region=None, limit=None, tolerance=None) List[Region]
Attempt to find the template from the given image.
- Parameters:
image – Path to image or Image instance, used to search from
template – Path to image or Image instance, used to search with
limit – Limit returned results to maximum of limit.
region – Area to search from. Can speed up search significantly.
tolerance – Tolerance for matching, value between 0.1 and 1.0
- Returns:
List of matching regions
- Raises:
ImageNotFoundError – No match was found
ValueError – Template is larger than search region
- get_pixel_color_in_image(image, point) RGB
Get the RGB value of a pixel in the image.
- Parameters:
image – image to get pixel from
point – coordinates for pixel or Point object
- Returns:
RGB value of pixel in image
- show_region_in_image(image, region, color='red', width=5) <module 'PIL.Image' from 'D:\\a\\rpaframework\\rpaframework\\.venv\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL\\'>
Draw a rectangle onto the image around the given region.
- Parameters:
image – image to draw onto
region – coordinates for region or Region object
color – color of rectangle
width – line width of rectangle
- Returns:
Image of the selected region