Python API
- class RPA.Outlook.Application.Application(autoexit: bool = True)
Outlook.Application is a library for controlling the Outlook application.
About Email Filtering
Emails can be filtered according to specification set by Restrict method of the Item class
Couple of examples:
Get Emails ... email_filter=[Subject]='test email' Move Emails ... email_filter=[SenderEmailAddress]=''
Robot Framework
*** Settings *** Library RPA.Outlook.Application Task Setup Open Application Suite Teardown Quit Application *** Variables *** ${RECIPIENT} *** Tasks *** Send email Send Email recipients=${RECIPIENT} ... subject=This is the subject ... body=This is the message body ... attachments=approved.png
from RPA.Outlook.Application import Application def send_email(): app = Application() app.open_application() app.send_email( recipients='EMAILADDRESS_1, EMAILADDRESS_2', subject='email subject', body='email body message', attachments='../orders.csv'
For more information, see:
This library works on a Windows operating system with UI enabled only, and you must ensure that you open the app first with
Open Application
before running any other relevant keyword which requires to operate on an open app. The application is automatically closed at the end of the task execution, so this can be changed by importing the library with the autoexit=${False} setting.*** Settings *** Library RPA.Excel|Outlook|Word.Application autoexit=${False}
If you’re running the Process by Control Room through a custom self-hosted Worker service, then please make sure that you enable an RDP session by ticking “Use Desktop Connection” under the Step configuration.
If you still encounter issues with opening a document, please ensure that file can be opened first manually and dismiss any alert potentially blocking the process.
Check the documentation below for more info:
- APP_DISPATCH = 'Outlook.Application'
- property app
- close_document(save_changes: bool = False) None
Close the active document and app (if open).
- Parameters
save_changes – Enable changes saving on quit. (False by default)
- get_emails(account_name: Optional[str] = None, folder_name: Optional[str] = None, email_filter: Optional[str] = None, save_attachments: bool = False, attachment_folder: Optional[str] = None, sort: bool = False, sort_key: Optional[str] = None, sort_descending: bool = True) List
Get emails from a specified email folder. Can be used to save attachments.
- Parameters
account_name – needs to be given if there are shared accounts in use, defaults to None
folder_name – target folder where to get emails from, default Inbox
email_filter – how to filter email, default no filter, ie. all emails in folder
save_attachments – if attachments should be saved, defaults to False
attachment_folder – target folder where attachments are saved, defaults to current directory
sort – if emails should be sorted, defaults to False
sort_key – needs to be given if emails are to be sorted
sort_descending – set to False for ascending sort, defaults to True
- Returns
list of emails (list of dictionaries)
${emails}= Get Emails ... email_folder=priority ... email_filter=[Subject]='incoming order' ... save_attachments=True ... attachment_folder=%{ROBOT_ROOT}${/}attachments ... sort=True ... sort_key=Received ... sort_descending=False
- mark_email_as_read(email: Any, read: bool = True) None
Mark email ‘read’ property. Can be used to mark email as unread.
- Parameters
email – target email
read – True marks email as Read, False as Unread
${emails}= Get Emails # Mark all as read FOR ${email} IN @{emails} Mark Email As Read ${email} END # Mark all as unread FOR ${email} IN @{emails} Mark Email As Read ${email} False END
- move_emails(account_name: Optional[str] = None, source_folder: Optional[str] = None, email_filter: Optional[Any] = None, target_folder: Optional[str] = None, mark_as_read: bool = True) bool
Move emails from source folder to target folder.
Use of “account_name” is recommended if there are shared accounts in use.
- Parameters
account_name – needs to be given if there are shared accounts in use, defaults to None
source_folder – folder where source emails exist
email_filter – how to filter email, default no filter, ie. all emails in folder
target_folder – folder where emails are moved into
mark_as_read – mark emails as read after move, defaults to True
- Returns
True if move operation was success, False if not
Python example.
outlook = RPA.Outlook.Application() # moving messages from Inbox to target_folder outlook.move_emails( target_folder='Processed Invoices', email_filter="[Subject]='incoming invoice'" ) # moving messages from source_folder to target_folder outlook.move_emails( source_folder='Incoming Invoices', target_folder='Processed Invoices', email_filter="[Subject]='incoming invoice'" ) # move message objects from `get_emails` result emails = outlook.get_emails("[Subject]='incoming invoice'") outlook.move_emails( target_folder='Processed Invoices', email_filter=emails )
Robot Framework example.
# moving messages from Inbox to target_folder Move Emails ... target_folder=Processed Invoices ... email_filter=[Subject]='incoming invoice' # moving messages from source_folder to target_folder Move Emails ... source_folder=Incoming Invoices ... target_folder=Processed Invoices ... email_filter=[Subject]='incoming invoice' # moving message objects from `Get Emails` result ${emails}= Get Emails [Subject]='incoming invoice' Move Emails ... target_folder=Processed Invoices ... email_filter=${emails}
- open_application(visible: bool = False, display_alerts: bool = False) None
Open the application.
- Parameters
visible – Show the window on opening. (False by default)
display_alerts – Display alert popups. (False by default)
- quit_application(save_changes: bool = False) None
Quit the application.
- Parameters
save_changes – Enable to save changes on quit. (False by default)
- save_email_attachments(attachments: Any, attachment_folder: str, overwrite: bool = False) None
Save email attachments.
Note. Keyword “Get Emails” can be also used to save attachments.
- Parameters
attachments – all attachments from email or single attachment
attachment_folder – target folder where attachments are saved, defaults to current directory
overwrite – overwrite existing file if True, defaults to False
${emails} = Get Emails ... email_folder=priority FOR ${email} IN @{emails} FOR ${attachment} IN @{email}[Attachments] IF ${attachment}[size] < 100000 # bytes Save Email Attachments ... ${attachment} ... ${CURDIR}${/}attachments ELSE IF ".pdf" in "${attachment}[filename]" Save Email Attachments ... ${attachment} ... ${CURDIR}${/}attachments${/}pdf END END END
- send_email(recipients: Union[str, List[str]], subject: str, body: str, html_body: bool = False, attachments: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, save_as_draft: bool = False, cc_recipients: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, bcc_recipients: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, reply_to: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, check_names: bool = False) bool
Send email with Outlook
- Parameters
recipients – list of addresses
subject – email subject
body – email body
html_body – True if body contains HTML, defaults to False
attachments – list of filepaths to include in the email, defaults to []
save_as_draft – email is saved as draft when True
cc_recipients – list of addresses for CC field, default None
bcc_recipients – list of addresses for BCC field, default None
reply_to – list of addresses for changing email’s reply-to field, default None
check_names – all recipients are checked if the email address is recognized on True, default False
- Returns
True if there were no errors
library = Outlook() library.open_application() cc_recipients = ["",""] library.send_email( recipients="", cc_recipients=cc_recipients, bcc_recipients=";", subject="hello from Outlook", body="empty body", attachments=os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "example.xslx") )
${cc}= Create List Send Email ... ... cc_repients=${cc} ...; ... subject=hello from Outlook ... body=empty body ... attachments=${CURDIR}${/}example.xlsx
- set_object_property(object_instance, property_name: str, value: str)
Set the property of any object.
This is a utility keyword for Robot Framework syntax to set object property values.
${new_value}= Replace String ${value} 10.132. 5511.11. Set Object Property ${result} Value ${new_value}
- Parameters
object_instance – object instance to set the property
property_name – property name to set
value – value to set
- wait_for_email(criterion: Optional[str] = None, timeout: float = 5.0, interval: float = 1.0) Any
Wait for email matching criterion to arrive into mailbox.
- Parameters
criterion – email filter to wait for, defaults to “”
timeout – total time in seconds to wait for email, defaults to 5.0
interval – time in seconds for new check, defaults to 1.0
- Returns
list of messages or False
Possible wait criterias are: SUBJECT, SENDER and BODY
Wait for Email SUBJECT:rpa task calling timeout=300 interval=10